Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Paging DR. DREW

So.. I "deactivated" my facebook account a couple weeks ago and I had been warned that studies had been done, and disconnecting 18-20somethings from social media resulted in similiar symptoms to patients who were on detox from serious addictions AKA: APARENTLY PEOPLE SHAKE AND SWEAT FROM NOT CHECKING FACEBOOK LIKE THEY WOULD FROM NOT SHOOTING THEIR ARM WITH HEROIN?
well MARC ZUCKERBERG I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW.. I FEEL GREAT WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR HARVARD DIPLOMA CREATION.. I feel liberated and free to be honest.. of course there is the occasional natural open the computer, open safari, and first thing I type is FACEBOOK.COM and then I snap out of it, and realize, NO THANK YOU. (for now)
Should I maybe also clarify that I checked the option for deactivating that "this is temporary, I will return". AND I SHALL.. but only as a user who logs on for no more then 15 minutes total daily.. sounds fair?
I really do believe that facebook is a fantasy, people post the best pictures, the best activities and story lines.. in order to create a personna.. and then to take it a step further, you start to creep on people you wouldn't even pick up the phone and call, or is it worse that you creep on the exact people you do call, and you see who have written on their walls, and so forth.. THAT IS NOT A NORMAL THING. I mean I already am bbm-ing you, seeing you, talking to you, and now I want to check your wall? THIS IS A LITTLE MUCH IS IT NOT?
I feel as though I have gotten my facebook "addiction" under control.. but they say, it takes 21 days to break a habit..
and as a result of not using facebook. I have barely even used a computer, and in return.. haven't blogged. I really find I read news articles on my phone, and e-mail via my blackberry, so what do I need a computer for these days?
TWITTER!! hahahha one addiction to the next, no but really.. my tweeets may be more frequent but its hardly the usage or sickness of facebook. You type one sentence, you read some others, and you log off. Harmless. FOR NOW.

good thing the shakes have gone away so I can type this one out.. ;)


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