Monday, June 7, 2010

My House.

I am not one of those kids from Southern California who went away to college and yearned for Mexican Food. When I was living in Hawaii, and in Prague.. everyone always spoke of how their first meal at home was going to be a BIG ol burrito, or a greasy taco, etc. etc. NOT ME.. But, I do have to say, there is something about MI CASA.. that simply never changes, and is just so dang good.

there is a little glance at our Saturday night dinner.. full of cheese and grease and good company. 

I have to share this little snippet from dinner, so here is a quick breakdown, at the table is my brother and his Fiance', our family friend whom I will forever still picture at the Bay Club in his crisp white polo shirts roaming loose, and our other best family friend (if only her brother had been there, we would have been complete). Anyways, we are talking about New Orleans, because my brother has a great job offer there.. and somehow we are discussing Hurricanes, and start talking about the LEVEES BREAKING..
and our friend goes, "F THAT.. WHAT THE HELL IS A LEVEE ANYWAY, ALL I KNOW IS MADONNA SAYS "drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry". OH MY GOSH.. I was laughing so dang hard... 
because its so true, what do we know about Levee's here in Southern California?
and I will take it one further, do we really know about a lot of things here? Even the things we do know, how well do we know them. I want to make an effort to really know what I am talking about when I talk about things.. research more, read more, etc. etc. I mean, I can barely grasp all this B.P OIL mess.. and I am going to dedicate a full hour tomorrow to reading up on the actual logistical problems that revolve around the spill, the solutions, etc. 
SO SHOULD YOU, Pick a natural disaster, a moment in history, anything that you are interested in or that affects your life, and research it! and WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ENOUGH! ;) 

well sweet DREAMS, Mi Casa es Sue Casa..

and no not the club in LA "my house". not my vibe. 

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