Monday, December 6, 2010



Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So like I mentioned before, I had an urge to entertain. SO... I started decorating, (we) for weeks, sent out the cutest little online invitation (USE THEM.. instead of evites they email out these simulated cards, that look like real invitations, and.. they open on someone's computer) candy cane themed invite.. so we found all things candy cane and went with the theme. Trader Joe's, Costco, Ralphs, Pavilions, 99cent store, Bristol Farms, CVS, all were frequented for this party. That is always my tip with life.. mix and match high end and low end items.. there is nothing wrong with a shirt from forever 21 and shoes from target if you have a good purse, or a nice piece of jewelry.. same goes for a party, a Christmas tree, EVERYTHING IN LIFE.. it is all about presentation and pride. REMEMBER THAT! if you are proud and present it well.. then that shines thru! also, STAY CALM... everything always works out. Anyways, with a little help from some elfs I think the party was a hit. Lots of champagne, of course other alcohol is readily available, sparkling cider, and then tons and tons of appetizers (pigs in the blanket, spinakopita, a full cheese platter, homemade brie en croute... so easy :::get a round brie, and decide sweet or savory and go to town.. I did strawberry jam and preserves, dried strawberries and berries, some brown sugar.. bing bam boom, wrapped it in pastry and WHALA!!:::, trail mixes, etc. etc. etc) and food (salads, pasta casserole, bread, tamale pie, blah blah blah), and plenty of sweets (pumpkin pie, gingerbread cookies, homemade cranberry bread and apple spice bread, cupcakes, peanut butter bars (thanks Ally), homemade chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin surprise... etc. etc.) I THINK YOU GET THE PICTURE.. SO HERE ARE SOME PICTURES.. did I mention there were some VERY aggressive ornament snatchers out there,....

Too lazy rotate... and didn't get enough pictures.. but here is a little taste of some of the party-goers and some of the excitement!! so much more holiday celebrating to come.. DREAMING! 


QUICK MENTION... My husband has been very disappointed to find that many Costco's no longer carry Hebrew National hot dogs, well, well... LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THE DESERT WHERE ALL THINGS OLD PEOPLE LOVE ARE- 

did I mention Costco in the desert also sells... CASKETS. oy


So.. it was always a joke when I transferred from UH (20,000+ UNDERGRAD) to Chapman (4,000) that I wanted to be the "PANTHER OF THE YEAR" (sense the sarcasm I hope)... if you aren't very quick... the panther is Chappytown's mascot. well IRONY STRIKES.. AND my final semester of undergrad I decided to play water polo at what I used to make fun of as a horrible team.. and found CHAPMAN TRULY IS AN INSTITUTION UNRIVALED BY OTHERS, in the sense that it is soooo warm, nurturing, caring, individual, unique, all things I would think a parent dreams of their child experiencing when sending them away.. I experienced and watched these 18 year old freshman (I was 23 eek) experience. I couldn't have had more "Panther Pride" then you could imagine. well, until I found myself in the job market unemployed for a long period of time.. but that's another entry!

ANYWAYS, my parents are also proud of Chapman and the institution it is becoming and already is.. and we all (my husband, and my parents, and I) were fortunate enough to attend the Chapman Gala.. and I WAS BLOWN AWAY... here are some pictures:

PARTY TIP: they had the coolest dance floor set up (as you can see with Alex and Cathie groovin').. they put the band on a riser and then surrounded the band with dance floors, so people we dancing on all sides.. I DUG IT! 
dreaming of party ideas' I DO LOVE A CELEBRATION! 
and sparkle.

Oh how I miss you!

o come all ye faithful... YES, IT IS HOLIDAY SEASON ALREADY,
1 day till December first, and I have already had a holiday ornament exchange at our apartment, had a tree up for weeks and been rocking out to the tunes for days! SPIRITED. why not, or as we said in Czech... aproc ne?!

Sometimes I will be driving, running errands, at work (like right now.. OOPS) and come up with an idea to blog about, and within minutes something comes up- and the thought is LONG gone. TRAGIC. oh how my dreams have suffered by being employed. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, acknowledged that the grass was always greener,.... while I was unemployed I would dream of feeling substantial in this world, with meaning and fulfillment.. and while I am employed, you dream of the wonderful programming of the BRAVO network and that fluffy duvet, the sale at bloomies, the forever 21 deals calling your name.. or MAYBE THIS IS JUST MY STRUGGLE?

ANYWAYS, I have officially been employed, yes.. for a month or more, BUT- it is only till year end, then they maybe can find permanent room for me. or maybe not, so don't get too excited. I WILL SAY, IF THEY FIND ME ROOM- I THINK IT IS A GREAT FIT, AND even if they don't.... it is a terrific non-profit you all should check out...  The Noreen Fraser Foundation.

I don't even know where to go- I have missed so much.

maybe I will break up all events and thoughts into separate entries, yes, yes I WILL! HERE I GO

Friday, November 5, 2010

Waiting for Superman Official Trailer


I die for brussel sprouts, and my husband.. well, DOES NOT!! but he even said these were "good, for brussel sprouts". HA

MADE THESE PUPPIES LAST NIGHT.... sooo easy, boil them, throw some parmesan cheese and olive oil, salt, and pepper, and broil for a little!! SOOOOO SPOT ON!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Here is a brief snippet of thoughts, motivated by pictures I took on my blackberry in the last week or so.. sharing with you!

Dipped these suckers myself... it was seriously therapeutic and kinda vibed on it. If for no other reason.. they look pretty cool and taste bomb! 

Took a test at city hall for a job as a costumer service rep. for the accounting department with the City of Beverly Hills, not exaggerating, IT WAS THE HARDEST TEST... hours and hours long, so much math, I couldn't even fathom that people were passing unless they were accountants!



I found this little guy loose on the streets, obviously pull over, chase it around, finally ironically a lady drives by and screams out her window "I FOUND THAT DOG LAST WEEK, HE LIVES TWO BLOCKS DOWN"... so I take him home with the help of a friend, and come to find out he gets out all the time and animal control is always there... SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE DOGGIES. 

Event at USC.. choose to fight on, for women's cancer.. I LOVE COLLEGE- such energy and drive.. motivating powerful environment. Felt good to be in that surrounding again... 

The aftermath. 

I couldn't help but mention this one... THIS IS NOT A CLUB, it is Disneyland.. I hate that. Get a life and go to a club if you crave this environment, is Disney so desperate to make money they have to promote alcohol and a rave like environment to generate revenue? What if I had children there and they saw that? NOT APPROPRIATE, and bizarre. 

In Newport on a Balboa Island walk.. always such a pleasure. Gotta appreciate where you grew up.. 

oh and I didn't document this.. silly me and unlike me- but.. a friend and I took a little girl to CHUCK-E-CHEESE this weekend, and THE PIZZA SUCKED, and it was ghett. but... I guess we shoulda known. STEER CLEAR OF THAT PLACE!! just a side thought. 


Last week I worked at the Maria Shriver Women's Conference. First things first- SHE IS A GODESS... so well spoken, so together, just really sharp and motivating.

The list of speakers, vendors, appearances, was quite simply large.. and impressive...
Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, Oprah, Cindy McCain, Meghan McCain, Matt Lauer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  Sandra Day O'Connor, Jessica Simpson, Al Roker, Tony Robbins, Jill Biden, Paula Deen, Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman, Diane Sawyer,....I MEAN THE LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ON.. those are the only ones I can recall off the top of my head,

Anyways... at first I was quite skeptical of the idea of attending or working at a women's conference just so not my vibe.. yes I love education, speakers, empowerment.. but not in the way of women gathering in a liberal intellectual kind of kumbuya kinda way... and this definitely rang true as I sat and watched/listened to TONY ROBBINS...

WELL.. he is a HOTTIE.. that is for sure...

THESE WOMEN REACT IN THE SCARIEST MANNER TO HIM... I kept thinking, the masses are so easily manipulated it is unbelievable, thousands of women were basically drooling and nodding like a bunch of sedated idiots. NOW LOOK- IN THE GRAND SCHEME, YES HIS MESSAGE IS POSITIVE, so it is not such a bad thing that people listen and follow him.... but it is absolutely astonishing to see how strongly these people react to him...

so.. he starts his little gig and these women are screaming answers at him in unison "YES TONY" "TRUTH" "NO"... then he tells them these statistical facts of how if you respond with physical action, take notes, etc. then you are going to retain some large amount of the information he is telling you, as opposed to just listen where you would only retain something like 10%.. so these women literally stand up- sit down- hug thy neighbor, take notes... I MEAN...


here are some little tidbits I remember (when I wasn't just blown away by these women's reactions and could actually listen... and BY THE WAY- I SWEAR THEY LISTEN TO HIM PARTLY BECAUSE HE IS JUST SO GOOD LOOKING UP THERE)... ok here we go,

finding meaning in life is more important then finding happiness.. because to most people, meaning if much more fulfilling. PEOPLE CRAVE MEANING IN ACTIONS.. and Tony, I agree with you on that one, do I need to yell back at you, shake the person next to me's hands, hug, and go to a seminar to come to this conclusion NO.. but I do agree.  MEANING EQUALS EMOTION, AND EMOTION EQUALS LIFE. 

- what shapes decision?

-here is one I have thought of a lot on my own... we all value different things, and different needs in a different order, for instance: some people need more love, some want significance and would say "I want to be someone before love".. and we all need some sort of significance but by putting it first, you are basically bound to never find true love.. those are Tony's words, NOT MINE GIRLFRIENDS!!
so aka- priorities are important.. GET THEM IN ORDER, those are my words ;)

and ultimately after hours of listening to this BS and being amazed at this feel good nonsense that these women were literally lighting up as if they saw santa claus flying from their roof in a sleigh on christmas eve.... the message to me was..

SHIFT YOUR STORY..  figure yourself out, your demons, your motivators, your meaning.. and write your story the way you want it, change to be the person you want to be.

thanks Tony, I will not be following you around the globe and paying the big bucks to be enlightened by you.. BUT IT WAS A INTERESTING COUPLE OF HOURS I WILL SAY!

Ladies who Lunch..

I have always been one to say, I would be perfectly happy in a life where I raised my children and had the ability and luxury of not working and doing charity... ya, ya, so cliche'.... accept it, everyone might be stimulated and happy living this life-

well, I went with my mom, and her friends, and thank goodness my other good friend came with her mom.. to this tea luncheon thing at Neimans yesterday, and it motivated me to want to entertain!!! The author was Jamee Gregory and it was a presentation of a book, "New York Parties: Private Views"... I just LOVED the pictures,....

I want to write a book on.. How to Entertain in your 20's,... first I gotta get entertaining!!! such good ideas in my head right now.. the creative juices are flowing major!!
dreaming of parties! 


I LOVE HALLOWEEN, in the sense that.. TRICK OR TREATING.. pumpkin carving, candy, gatherings, haunted houses.... etc.
I call vegas a permanent halloween.. in the sense that, girls think they can dress however they so choose as slutty and scandalous as their little inner slut hearts desire, and NOBODY can judge or make statements, because... after all, ITS HALLOWEEN.. AND IT IS A COSTUME.
well, FINALLY- this year, my friend had a murder mystery party, and everyone dressed up as roaring 20's and I was obsessed with the idea, and even the execution... DRINK ALL YOU WANT, PARTY, HAVE A GOOD TIME.. but just so much more... classy isn't the weird here, but just more FUN for a human like me. I LOVED it.
here are some shots from it:







I am so lame how funny I think these jokes are!! 

Some people, NEVER learn.

I get it, I have always been overly comfortable in my shoes... and I don't feel pressured easily or a desire to please, but... how come people I see as strong willed and similar in character can't take charge and be as comfortable? CONCEITED COMMENT? no... LOGICAL. I think it is reasonable to ponder why a person makes the same mistakes, or can't say NO.. or just take charge and get a grip.

My mom always used to tell me "you never learn your lesson"... when it came to certain things.. a good example: my hair- I always have had well, bad hair.... so curly and somewhat nappy- it has good days, if I devote hours.. but otherwise the 4+ hours a day in a pool for high school and college really didn't do it justice.. there is a rant for you-
ANYWAYS,... I feel that my hair is the least of my worries, I recently have been noticing much worse patterns made by people in my company.. that follow the saying "you never learn" on a much larger scale..
I don't need to state examples of this pattern made by my friends.. but I do wanna say,

sorry but.. JUST SAYIN...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a thought, I need to improve my grammar and make this blog more..Let's say..Possible Future employer friendly?I love to just be free and write. No edits

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baking Halloween funfetti brownies!!! Excited for the husband to come to them! BOO! Q: Why can't witches have babies? A: BC their husbands have HALLO-WEENIES!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How come Chelsea Handler can look SO bad and SO good!? I get so confused by people like that..SJP is another one of those, strikingly beautiful and unfortunate.


It's OK for your dreams to change. it is NOT ok for you to not pursue those dreams while you have them. That is my thought of the minute. Really, I always am coming up with new ideas, and pursuits... but acting on them is another story, but the bottom line is... IT IS OK TO CHANGE, EVOLVE, GROW,.. in fact... it is important, we do not have to be astronauts because we wanted to at age 12, but we do however, have to try our best to be something, someone, and make dreams realities.
Like I always say.. Happiness is a choice, well.. as far fetched as some of our dreams may be, making them happen is our choice as well. YES, there are lots of factors sometimes that are out of our hands and control.. but many times, knocking down those doors, chasing those dreams, creating opportunity is really in our hands, not anyone else's... SO GO GET EM'... KEEP DREAMING NEW DREAMS AND TACKLING THEM, AS MANY AS YOU CAN AT A TIME!

Happiness is a choice, attitude is a decision.. and dreams are ours to make believe! QUOTE ME ON THAT ONE.


I love all things PUMPKIN! always have.. always will. I love when the pumpkin comes to starbucks, I love fall... I love pumpkins as decor, and.. well, I love pumpkin!!!!

Over the weekend I went to a pumpkin patch with friends.. SO CUTE, they even had pony rides, and my friend Melissa is sending PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP gluten free cookies up with my friend tomorrow, SPECIAL DELIVERY!!! AND... we carved pumpkins too over the weekend, and made pumpkin seeds.. and my friends made homemade pumpkin pies, and I attempted a pumpkin fluff homemade frosting.. next mission: PUMPKIN PANCAKES!!!

I bet my mommy is making Pumpkin Surprise soon!!! 

Gone Country..

Well, when I began dating my hubs.. long story short, our song became "god bless the broken road" by Rascal Flatts (which I secretly always found so stupid, SORRY ALEX, but we met at 20.. and got married a few weeks shy of 24 so.. there wasn't exactly a broken road.. but heck, I will take it)
so... this past weekend we went to Rascal Flatts concert... and.. well, I DUG THE COUNTRY VIBES.. and Rascal in general. Now.. I have fond memories of Rascal in general.. one being in Greece, swimming in the Med, a couple friends and I were belting out, "MY WISH"... and then some other good ones too,
I had so many thoughts during this concert... I think it was the first time I was at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater sober... was my first thought- and I really liked sitting in a seat not on the lawn... I really found the country music crowd humorous, yet refreshing (well until the drunk girl sitting next to Alex started holding him closely and telling him all about her postpartum depression while groping him... that was a little awkward, to say the least,.... more for him then for me I think)
But really, they played for two straights hours.. they narrated the whole concert, made it personal, relatable, and emotional.. I truly thought- THERE IS SOMETHING REALLY WHOLESOME AND AMERICAN ABOUT THIS.. and I dug it...
BUT HERE IS THE KICKER... so I have tried to tone down my ultimate stalker bizarre fanship with Adam Lambert on my blog or my twitter, because.. well, it is just not so normal and quite out of character...all judgment aside, the bottom line is- I am a Glambert.. a straight freakshow adoring fan.. AND... well..
RASCAL FLATTS BROUGHT OUT ORIANTHI FOR A NUMBER.. and that was the opening act for GLAM NATION for Adam... ISN'T THAT SUCH A WEIRD SIGN? it was like my two worlds musically collided in such an out of body weird way... THIS IS SUCH A SMALL WORLD... of all the artists, and all the concerts, venues, in the world... how do those two, country, and rock pop (whatever you wanna label it) COLLIDE AND INTERTWINE? I loved that moment.. I couldn't stop laughing.. bc well, she may not be my favorite musical act and I had made a negative comment to Alex earlier that "at least I don't have to listen to Orianthi again" (she is talented though) and then low and behold... OUT SHE COMES... taught me to maybe bite my tongue...

ANYWAYS, the concert re-ignited many feelings/thoughts within me,
1) I am glad to be sober at a concert and enjoy it with Alex
2) there is something to be said for country music, its lyrics, stories, and wholesome environment
3) I am now a fan of the opening act.. Sara Evans, adored her!!
4) maybe Alex and I need a new song? ;).. a different Rascal song will do,...
5) my husband was rocking out the whole time, even to the Jesus gospel music.. such a good Jew
6) I am a patriotic sap.. who loves American themed anything.

and... Country music sort of keeps the American Dream alive..... keep dreamin'

Oh' and now I am in the market for some REALLY rad cowboy boots.. dreamin of boots!

Retail OBSESSIONs. part 483478530495887532

I am such a happy camper when it comes to retail.. my friend even said this weekend "you have to be selective when shopping, even for pumpkins!" AND RIGHT SHE IS...

I online shop all day long!!! (well, when I am home, which is.. sort of.. A LOT!!) and there are some serious finds out there,
.... on the other hand,
I will always be someone who quite honestly gets an old fashioned thrill out of being in a store, wrapped in fabrics and smells, all different kinds of styles and sizes, prices, and oddities,....

Have you ever been going to a store... say... Forever 21.. and the closer I get, I get this eager competitive feeling.. LIKE.. what if all the LARGES ARE GONE? and I wanna run in, and use my good eye to find the gems and get out! Like.. someone else could be holding onto that one piece of heaven that I would kill to get my hands on.. sounds like a disease now that I actually type these feelings into words, who cares, it is a healthy happy addiction, OK?!

MORAL OF THE STORY-... this season is my JAM!! BOWS, LEATHER, LACE, JEWELS, OPAQUE TIGHTS, LEATHER.. I MEAN.. could I ask for anything more?

I never knew this site existed, and I AM HOOKED...
I was always the traditional.. shopbop, bloomingdales, revolve, target, forever21, topshop, gilt, ruelala, saks, BLAH BLAH BLAH...
but etsy is a real find!! I think it is quite a well known site, and I am just a little late on the bandwagon... but I am into it.

things I am dying over right now:

Elizabeth and James leather jacket...



Valentino does Leather and Lace..

MAYBE... it is the Adam Lambert in me, but.. I just love all things leather and lace... and.. to take it one further, a little leopard or fur never hurt anyone ;) 

(Kate really never fails..)


dream of those... 

Puppy on the brain.

I want a little woofer so so so so bad! BUT... not allowed in our gem of an apartment, so... I have to hold out... BUT... I have always LOVED Shar Pei's, but never really thought I could handle a big doggy and its poopoo so I knew it was not a realistic option... also they are sort of like CHOW-CHOW's... Loyal to their owner.. which is not so good for kids (yes, yes.. I THINK AHEAD).. anyhow..

in Santa Monica a couple weekends ago I met a little guy I just cannot stop thinking about.. A MINI SHAR PEI.. FULL GROWN IS LIKE A BIG PUG!!!!! obsessed. check out how cute they are:


dreaming of cuddling with these little monsters!!! 

current addiction.


I don't know what brought it on, but all the sudden, I cannot live without OREOS in the house. It is such a weird thing... because I am one for home made baked goods... not a regular old OREO, I never even knew I had this passion... BUT I DO... I definitely do.

then... I started thinking about good ol Oreos.. and realized, they play a much bigger role then I ever gave those little whale lard goodies credit for..

FOR ONE: every year for such a long time at thanksgiving we make turkey oreos as a family with my cousins in the Desert, so much so... that my cousin Eliana even wrote a report about making Oreo Turkeys to represent a unique family tradition when she was a little one... pretty funny, CUTE, and yummy! always a hit..

ANOTHER SEASONAL YUMMY OREO JACKPOT.... just add pretzels and candy corn... its like oreo bark!

For a wedding gift, I got this cake pan from William Sonoma and you make a cake to look like a Oreo, a little tricky, but such a charmer..

AND.. then there is always the chocolate dipped oreo, so easy, and sort of impressive to serve... or wrap them up and use them as party favors.. 

You know what I am dreaming of.. or making a reality and marching into my kitchen right this moment..

I even made up an Oreo dance with my husband... YEP! 

Oreooooo, O O REEEOOO! 

Favorite Vibe.

I know it might be weird, but I think my favorite look is when a girl is in workout clothes.... and the best is with a baseball hat. Here are some of my favorites: