Thursday, September 16, 2010

I found Jesus.

I just want to throw it out there.. I found Jesus.

and we vibed, naturally. gave me all his info. good to have the messiah on your side. 

and if you wanna check out jesus, then...
here you are

check him out for yourself. 



Look at this vintage Goyard trunk... 1890's... selling for twenty grand... MAJOR. to die for.

in my Dreams..


Thank you Anna Wintour! Genius idea, poor execution.

so.. this is my ideal way to spend ANY night out,.... STORES OPEN LATE, cocktail parties, fashion shows, hor dourves, promotions, blah blah blah, I MEAN HELLO... HEAVEN, RIGHT? one would think...
too lazy to rotate, sorrry...he is glam! 

well, it sure was utopic for my eyes..... but not for much else,

so... Rodeo is absolutely packed, glowing with the awesome ferris-wheel, and food trucks... but when I arrive at the stores, I am just so let down. The stores have ZERO PROMOTIONAL activity, sure they offer you cheap champagne and a canapy you would never touch.. but for a shopper like me, who shops often, follows sales, and knows prices, there is ZERO TO BUY, that I couldn't walk in and pay full price for on any given day. Wasn't FNO created in order to stimulate the industry, and create a buzz, and let's just say it... make MONEY for the stores, designers, retail people.... IT FAILS.
why not say.. HEY EVERYTHING IS 15 PERCENT OFF? JUST ANYTHING TO MAKE ME WANNA BUY ON THAT NIGHT... I was quite disappointed.. but on the other hand, what a lovely friday night, but I feel sorry for the stores, who probably make no money...

oh well, shopped paradise, and the Grilled Cheese Truck was there, so I guess.. why in the world am I complaining? 

Dreaming of the next time I can shop till midnight!!! 


Like I said in my first blog.. not all dreams are good dreams.. and last night I had a bad one!!



hope I have much sweeter dreams tonight, and I wish only the best dreams for you too! 

Moral Dilemma.

Ok.. so here is a personal minor moral dilemma I am facing:

this weekend is Yom Kippur. (quick breakdown: the day of atonement on the Jewish calendar, which is ultimately the highest of holy day on the book. For the ten days prior, the days in-between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur jews repent for their sins of the year, asking for forgiveness to those they have wronged, working to fix the things they have done, and praying and repenting to be added into the book of life on Yom Kippur. For lack of an better way to put it... it is important, and most jews, if they never step foot in a temple all year... go on Yom Kippur. TAKE EVERY SUNDAY THAT YOU CONFESS IN A CATHOLIC CHURCH AND PLACE IT INTO ONE DAY!) anyways.. my family has a huge break fast at the country club after sundown... you fast from sundown to sundown.. 24 hrs essentially,... and so, here goes....
aside from being Yom Kippur, it is a dear friend from childhood throughout lifes bachelorette party.. and another dear friends birthday. Well, birthdays come every year, so we can knock out the guilt on that one.

so.. bachelorette party V. Yom Kippur

at first, it was an absolute no way. how could I be at a bachelorette party on the day of atonement? it just seemed so far-fetched and beyond that I didn't even think twice about the fact I just simply could not attend....

Now time has gone on.. and maybe the feelings of missing out have kicked in, and I am leaning towards the words of many friends that...

miss Yom Kippur just this once, a wedding is a one time thing, this is a best friend since youth,... etc. etc. etc.

NOW.. different people give me different advice, but the only one I have to answer to at the end of the day is really my own conscious, this goes for everyone.. whenever we are faced with a difficult decision, we should weigh the options, and decide which will upset us the least in the end.. not which decision will make us happiest, but which will upset us the least... and so..  I do not have an answer for this one..

my father of course says to me: the elderly members of our family are getting older and there are not going to be many more yom kippurs left with them...
to which I rationalize by the fact that although this may be true, and heartbreaking, I put in a great deal of effort to enjoy my time with them not just on a holiday but on a everyday basis, which is more important... so that my father's words may ring true, but do not sway me that deeply,...

anyhow, I think this is where we define our character.. of course I identify as a Jewish person, and a sort of religious one at that, but does that mean that if I miss a Saturday meal of break-fast and attend a best friends celebration of marriage (did I mention she is mormon therefor we are not drinking at this bachelorette which makes me feel like its not so sac-religious... and I will be at temple friday night as well)... where was I? oh ya... does it make me less of a jew or a moral person to be at a bachelorette on Yom Kippur.. and my answer is no.
IT IS THE WAY WE ACT ON A REGULAR BASIS. Not on one day. and no one should be able to judge me based on a decision of ONE DAY when I try to act righteously and be family/religiously oriented on the rest of the days.... this is who I am, my friends are important to me, and I should be there for a friend... as she was for me during my special time....

so moral dilemma over: no matter my decision, which is the bachelorette, I am no less of a moral person...

ps- my back is out currently, so I may not be going anywhere this weekend ;). HA. the irony.



and here were some wise words from my grandma when we talked about this situation:
"it is important to learn to make decisions dear. This is not a life or death decision, and you have to do whatever is best for you. Make the decision that you can live with."


Marc Jacobs is always a homerun hitter in my book.. but holy smokes he looks firing nakey in his own add..... who knew..

I think its genius to model in your own add.. recession proof!! 

Dreaming of all things Marc Jacobs..

I'm a big kid now!

You always think that adults are adults, and we all put labels on dramatic events calling them "SO HIGH SCHOOL". But the irony I am beginning to become aware of.. is really, nothing is "so high school"... its human nature and it follows us thru life, unless we so choose to cut it out, and take the bigger better path.

This train of thought has just been on my mind recently as I have been opening my eyes to relationships and making a conservative effort to keep my life "clean". Clean meaning.. as awful as it sounds.. making certain people priorities, and focusing on them.. and not putting wasted energy in places I simply shouldn't be. I think the blatant reality is that life is complicated and tricky, and we only need those people who we adore and admire around us, rather then those we are willing to pick apart and talk down upon....

My new thing became, If I can talk sh*t on them to others, then why do I want to have them in my life, and why would someone want me in theirs if I feel that way about them? It's not fair to either party... really. SO... I slowly but surely naturally weeded those people who I wasn't always excited about or that I thought poorly of out. I ADVISE YOU TO IT TO...FIRST STEP... GET OFF OF FACEBOOK FOR AWHILE.  there is no need. YOU TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS IN OTHER WAYS.. healthier ways.

My friend was sharing something with me the other night about a falling out she is having with a friend.. and really there is no pinpointed reason for it, and I said to her "will this ever stop, aren't we too old for these sorts of things, aren't are friends our friends now, no more drama or ending of relationships?"...
and she made a very good poignant point.. that NOPE.. it never ends. Sad as that is, she makes a valid point.. lucky for me 98% of my dearest friends have been for years upon years.. and most likely will always remain that way... but on the other hand, thats a testament to the difficulty it takes to grow up and move to a new city, get married, make new friends.. we get set in our ways, and unwilling to reach out to the stranger on the elliptical next you, or the girl in the cute outfit ordering her coffee in-front of you,

so no matter how much older I get, I want to remember to always make the effort to keep making friends.. but know yourself, well enough to know who you want or need in your life, and like Jill Zarin says in her book.. and such an important memo for me to remind myself of.. IS...

YOU ALWAYS WANT TO BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIENDS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, GENUINELY HAPPY, and if you can't be.. then it's not a good relationship, and if your friend cannot be happy for you and your accolades, then SHALOM to them...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I love all things bridal. I think EVERY bride is striking.

I just love veils.. tool.. bows.. pearls.. I spend hours watching wedding shows,... here is picture of me as a bride!!!! The dress was to die.. I should have taken the time to find one WITH the dress.. oh well: TEASER!!

I cannot wait for every single one of my best friends individual weddings to experience each one's personal BRIDAL STYLE... and embrace their happy time!!!! EEEK! i love this age!! 

Choices. Decisions. Quality of Life.

Ultimately.. I have been embracing the simple reality, that life is a series of decisions/choices, and we have to be happy and embrace the ones that we make.. and CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!

well, on that note- I have really started to get into a loving dedicated relationship with LA. even when in the beautiful land of Newport... I try to remind myself that I love the culture and hustle and get off on the oddities of a big city.

but let me just be honest.. and say.. I really think that there is a whole lot to be said about THE SIMPLE LIFE, thank you Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton.. because you got it right years ago... forget driving onto the 101 the wrong way, or borrowing purses from Lindsay Lohan in vegas with your coke in it.. I THINK MAYBE YOU SHOULDA STAYED MILKING COWS IN PODUNK..


anyways, my point... life is pretty happy but the ocean, with outdoor parking lots in-front of Bloomingdales and Neimans.. FREE ONES MAY I ADD..  whatever moral of this story.. here is a picture that reminded me.. although I love the restaurants, the life, the challenge, of LA.. I can never give up the reality that.. I LOVE EASY.. I LOVE THE BEAUTY AND PEACE OF BEING IN SUBURBIA.. AND YES I CONSIDER NEWPORT BEACH SUBURBIA..

I guess a grander message of this post... is.. how do we measure our quality of life. OBVIOUSLY HEALTH IS NUMBER 1. But from there.... I guess it is just in the eye of the beholder, as most things are. Define success, happiness, and power,.. and we all will answer differently..
well as of this moment: I think my definition is being at peace with our choices and decision.. and making sure that every moment we possibly can, we choose to be happy.. and I think being by the ocean/bay/water.. always seems to help me to be happy! 

maybe I will go take a bath.. because now I am dreaming of water!!! ALOHA! and I could swear I hear rain outside.. as @AdamLambert tweeted, "the early bird gets the rain in Dallas" 
ha and yes I am a groupie weirdo fan of Adam. GUILTY!!! MAKES ME WANNA LISTEN TO MUSIC AGAIN!

Flea Market Addicted!

Having a dad who made me think that going to a antique store or consignment store was a really exciting event to do with him in my youth, maybe ignited my own version of antiquing in my obsession with flea markets. When I was studying abroad I dragged my poor then boyfriend (NOW HUSBAND!!) to every single little antique market or store I ever found.. and now.. in LA.. I seen to be on a flea market kick again.  the Estate Jewelry to be found.. and other items.. are just.. SO FUN. what a hunt.. a sense of adrenaline and a rush of excitement! NOT JUST THAT.. FORGET THE FINDS.. I LOVE THE DEAL.. THE BARGAINING.. AAAH, I like everything about it.. minus the masses. 

I have been to one at Dodger Stadium, Santa Monica, and next stop Rose Bowl, in the last couple weeks.. and had such good moments with friends and loved ones at them!!! with a few gems to show for it.. except my friend Emily bought a Mexican Silver bracelet adorned with Abalone.. and I have never seen someone get so many compliments on something in my life.. here are some pictures of gems,.. I could have/should have taken so many more pictures..but I was in the moment. 


uhm by the way, I found a man who sells furs and couture purses.. maybe that is my calling?! 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Running a household.

I gotta give it up to anyone and everyone who has the duties of all things Household. I will always defend the idea of a stay at home mom, IT IS HARD WORK... and yes I give huge props to those who can hold a job down and be a parent full time, but quite simply- call me whatever you want, I am not progressive, and I see a lot of benefit in the philosophy of WIFE/MOTHER.

well.. this is why this thought is prevalent to me.. Last week, I spent literally 9-5 running errands nonstop just for a 2 bedroom apartment. Multiple grocery stores, household objects, flowers, cleaning supplies, the cleaning, blah blah blah. Moral of my story- by the time I had bought nails to hang some stuff, a full marketing, cleaning supplies, taken dry cleaning, purchased flowers, some new stuff for the place (new blanket, sham, etc.) I MEAN I AM SURE IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS.. THEY ARE GOING, PLEASE,... but really, imagine,.. adding children to the mix who have to be at school, soccer, tutoring, all over the city, with traffic and different ages and needs.. ALL I COULD THINK OF WAS... THANKS MOM...

it was just an AAAHH--HA MOMENT.. where you go, WOAH, my parents sure did a lot for us.. it is not an easy feat to keep a nice household, and raise a family, all while making a living, and securing and insuring a happy/loving/healthy/educational/worldy childhood for your kids.

when you have all that to do you may not have time to dream of other things, because to me.. you are living the dream.. and better yet, instilling big dreams in your kids eyes and hearts. Dreaming of the moments ahead, and grateful for the moments that brought me here!


I am thinking I have posted on my obsession of the Fruit Carts throughout this city, but I have just to remind you of my infinity for them.. in the hopes I spread the wonderfulness of it all to some of you (if there is anyone even out there) I pulled over the other day to share this treat with some friends.. and of course.. we LOVED it.. naturally!!

I even have a favorite little guy who has a kiosk.. and this aint him!! reminds me of Chuy, aka- chelsea handlers little nugget. 


"and its f***ing healthy"

In the Groove.

in the groove of hitting up the GROVE and loving my spotting. Obviously I dig the farmers market, and walking around a place that resembles disneyland of sorts.. but this little moment was almost divine.. out of body.. and just so happy.. I MEAN.. AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS, MATCHING DRESSES, A ADORABLE GINGER, I died. MAJOR MOMENT OF GLEE.

I don't know about any of you.. well some of you I do, but my childhood holds many a memory of American Girl Dolls. I mean.. matching outfits, endless wish-lists, bitty baby, tea parties, official American Girl Teas, books, play-dates, just endless events revolving around Samantha, Kirsten, Molly, Addy,... etc I mean it rivals my memories of BEANY BABIES!!! 

well this picture of this moment I captured should say it all.. 
American Dolls keep living the dream.. 
I cannot wait to have daughters to go to the American Doll place at the Grove with, or else I am going to have to rent a child.. or just go solo, I am ready and willing..

Dreaming of dresses and dolls!

Baseball is maybe less physically demanding than Golf.


So.. I have grown up with a family who does the baseball gig.. Americana.. little league.. etc. etc. etc. I like it, who doesn't like a hot dog?

well, as of late- I have  grown to really maybe dig the vibes of one certain pitcher on the Dodgers roster (which is always changing.. another aspect of baseball I just cannot seem to grasp.. this is not a LB James thing... he left the team after many seasons blah blah blah.. but how can a player get traded in the middle of a season and go be batting for his new team the next day? I simply don't get it, or support it.. how is one supposed to become a true fan/supporter of a team, if the players/owners aren't even loyal?) TANGENT..
ANYWAYS... so I walked on down to the bullpen during a game the other day to spy on my fake crush.. and well.. what I saw was quite pathetic, or rad.. depends on my mood.

HOW CAN PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES BEING PAID EXORBITANT AMOUNTS SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME EATING CANDY BARS AND DRINKING THINGS OTHER THAN WATER OR A SPORTS DRINK?.. SO BIZARRE. check this out: speaks for itself.. and yes, I am proud to say I was a creeping jersey chaser pro Ho taking pictures with my phone.. yep.. HEY HEY,  AND IF THEY CAUGHT ME I WOULD SCREAM LOOD COMMENTS TO THEM, SOLO.. gotta embrace it!

uhmmm see the wrappers around the chairs? yes, those are food wrappers and bottles thrown amuck!! CLASSY. 

sometimes DREAMS are better than realities.