well I did just go to Dallas last weekend, and I was in the desert this weekend.. and I was in Napa/Monterey/Carmel/Pebble/SF a month ago...
TAKING ON THE ORIENT.. or plopping in Hawaii.. or my real wishes are at the end of this little entry...
I want to go go go go go.......
OH, to be young, with disposable income and freedom from big girl life responsibilities (those days have come and gone).. hahahaha I AM SO GLAD I EMBRACED THOSE DAYS WITH FULL THROTTLE SPEED AND ZEST and did my fair share, bc they are right.. THOSE ARE THE TIMES OF YOUR LIFE- so I feel like walking down memory lane for some inspiration..
ps- where are all my Alaska pictures? too lazy to really collect all the trips.. missing lots, New Jersey, Utah, Miami, NY, ..... but you get to see lots of europe, I think I picked pics from Prague, Paris, Rome, GREECE!! Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Brussels, Krakow, London, Geneva, the Swiss and French alps.., Venice, Tahiti, Hawaii, SF, DC, Monterey/Napa, disney Euro/disneyworld/disneyland.. VEGAS! dallas.. Israel,... so many more to fill in..
or the Galapagos...
oh and my other number 1 to do stop:
the Blue Lagoon, ICELAND!!
and don't get me wrong.. I also love quick little weekend warrior trips,..bachelorettes, romantic romps, friend reunions,.. you name it- LET'S GO:
Picture overload.. I think YES! (better than facebook though)
Mom, IF ONLY YOU READ THIS BLOG.. you would want to take me back to Tahiti STAT- right? love you!
You are so worldly.