Wednesday, February 2, 2011

they are right, everything is BIGGER in Texas

I was in Dallas this past weekend.. This wasn't my first trip to Texas,... but it was my first in my let's say "adulthood" (post college).

So, I was there to spend a quick Friday night- Sunday afternoon with my dear friend who is getting married in a month- do you need the background? long story short- she has A LOT ON HER PLATE RIGHT NOW.. bless her heart. AND, to all of you who have a lot on your plate.. she should be your role model.. anyone can handle anything is my new motto.

So, whenever I travel (which is a lot in my lifetime).. I even have blogged about this, food is a major tell tale experience in a new place. Well, the pictures to follow will prove that even about a little quick trip within our own country!

Texas is so unique.. I had a professor tell me one time "MOVE TO TEXAS".. and if I still had that professors e-mail, I would e-mail him today- and say.. I am thinking about, NOT!!!!

So.. this BOGGLES MY MIND, there is so much sophistication and old world money in Dallas, not trashy noveau riche people.. old world, traditional, educated people, with old money. WHICH I LOVE.... BUT,
why why why, do they choose to live in the middle of flat texas? I am sorry, but my common sense kicks in and tells me, why do these people spend tens of millions on these homes in the middle of nowhere with no natural geographical beauty? and crazy weather? Why not go to Palm Beach, Newport Beach, hell.. New York? The Hamptons? South Carolina? ANYWHERE WITH NATURAL BEAUTY?
I think I am missing something..

but I will say, TEXANS ARE KIND... and they love them some steak and some jesus! AMEN...

I also will finish with: even though my friend was having a hard time with a lot going on, those are my favorite kind of trips, you eat a lot, you go on walks, you shop, you do what the locals do in a luxurious way ;), and you sort of get a real feel for life...
and the irony of it all: I packed all bedazzled jeweled numbers, thought I would glam it up the whole time, I ended up in leggings and a sweater and her fiance's gym shoes half the time.. thats LIFE!!!!

Gotta hand it to Texas, they are patriotic, they are kind to their neighbors, and they love glitter and BBQ!! I could get behind all those things... 


I need them! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG! you make texas look goooood. I didnt see/taste any of that when i was there?
