Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Twas' a lunch truck, lunch!

Returned to the office a little ago, after a feast lunch date. The picture will say it all, this truck we went to WON The food network show "the great food truck race"... and it was worth it.

                           Alex has wanted this for I don't know how long...

yep, the bun is two grilled cheese's... and the pom frittes.. to die.

follow them on twitter @grillemalltruck

Dreaming of my next encounter!

do you spot Alex?!

jones-ing for jewels.

so.. I have a slight jewelry obsession. POINT OF THE DAY: one of my best friend's is getting married next weekend.. and, we were laughing and she was showing me the earrings she got for us (bridesmaids) and when I asked her what she is wearing.. she said probably the diamond studs her fiance gave her. (NOW: DON'T GET ME WRONG.. THEY ARE LARGE AND LOVELY...) but, I thought MAYBE, JUST MAYBE I could find some beautiful one's online at a somewhat reasonable (OK REALLY REASONABLE) cost.
BACKGROUND: she has traditional taste, her ring couldn't be more beautiful, a huge old miners cut.. art-deco, estate piece.... I mean- I have good jewelry taste and a good eye- and HER RING IS TO DIE.. sooo.... I went on a search, and of course, the age-old...
buying a present for someone else, you always want what you sought out to buy: I AM DYING OVER THE THINGS I AM SPOTTING.. I WANT, I WANT, I WANT...
here goes:

I wish she could just wear the one's I wore.. I would love that- but the rentals had to take it out of the "vault" and they chased me down after the ceremony when I took them off,.. I don't exactly think I am responsible enough to fly them to Texas and loan them out.. dang it.

on that note:
two people I never knew I thought were beautiful, Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump... BUT LET ME TELL YOU- I AM OBSESSED WITH THEM AS BRIDES... (good jewels)

dreaming of jewels.. 

oh and of Alayna walking down the isle..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

things that make me stop

Normally I am a firm believer in LIVING, I strongly despise and judge you if you are one of those "this would make a good picture for facebook" people.. BUT SOMETIMES I find myself going- "I GOTTA CAPTURE THIS!"... so here are my favorite moments of the weekend:

My mom would find a pink scrabble board!! 

when I grow up.. I want to be a member of a croquet team! 

keep living the dream! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


ONE DAY- this will be in my home in the desert or Palm Beach, mark my words!! or both?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

in the spirit of Fashion Week...

uhmm Chanel runway, spring 2011:

Brad Goreski.. @mrbradgoreski (his fashion week tweets are honestly.. delectable!)
 example of a Brad tweet from today:
Brad Goreski
RT @: Now this is what a show should be like. @ And how cute are the looks. Congrats (cont)

I mean.. in the words of his predecessor, BANANAS!!!

haha and best of all, my friend sent me this from NY... 

 that is REAL.... fashion police! 

I maybe watched part of the Tory Burch show today.. from today.. and well, I am no expert but.. FLOP

I think that is all for now! 

nope: I am back,
quick edition.. the Marc Jacobs show just ended on the east, and I say.. HOMERUN! mazel.

Quote of the day!

"A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere. "

quick little ISM

ISM as in.. Sabrina-ism, aka- quick thought:

you do not have to do BIG things, to make a big impact on our world. To be powerful, you don't have to hold a position of power. Ultimately..you may not be in the public eye, you may not have the most powerful job, but you can live your live in a way that does make a difference, an impact, and leaves an aura of power.

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." -Mother Theresa

I am finding often times in this town motivated by Hollywood and the industry, that money and power in the public eye often get confused with character and success. I am simply reminding myself... 
there are good people everywhere making powerful impressions on others,.. and success is not just measured by the definitions that we all know and see via the public perception, good things come in small packages too. Hard work and motivation.. honesty and loyalty... these things matter. 

That will be all.

New Staple recipe in my home!

Okay.. so I always make the Trader Joe's orange chicken.. I know, I know... so easy, what a cop-out.. judge judge judge!! BUT, it is delicious... their number 1 selling item..

BUT, I JUST REINVENTED IT... and you should too...

so at costco they sell this brown rice, that is pre-cooked and packaged in individual servings, so... I used that, some vegetables and an egg.... used the second sauce package that comes in the Orange Chicken (bc it is always too saucy if you use both) and woked it all together..HOMEMADE FRIED RICE AND ORANGE CHICKEN.. IN TEN MINUTES, READY TO GO..  A FULL MEAL FOR THE FAM!!

I maybe got a little too excited and ahead of myself and served it without taking a final product picture.. still.. you should try it!!

YUMMO!! dreaming of round 2!

Nate Berkus moment.

I always spot things on the street or in antique stores.. and I was driving down Fairfax the other day and spotted these puppies, not my taste or aesthetic, but pretty rad.. and if they were CHEAP I wanted to snag them for my friend Melissa... but.. they were 600$, I mean really?

NOW.. I would pop any price for this little love... SO MUCH MORE ME:

I like everything about it.. the hardwood, the curtain.. wam-bam thank you mam.
dreaming of decorating without a budget... so, never.

Vehicle spottings

These two little vehiculars I spotted in the Desert both got my heart pounding..

one I died with laughter.. the other, I just D.I.E for.

pretty darn good, right?
a Lexus with American flags and a handicap plate that reads:
"HOT AT 80"

and a PINK WOODY in pristine condition..



one of those Martha Stewart kinda gals..

My future sister-in-law (is that the way to put it? My brothers fiance) is such a crafter.. the EPITOME of the Martha Stewart girl.. I MEAN, her wrapping jobs put me over the edge.. THEY ARE ALWAYS PERFECT, PRECISE, AND DONE TO THE RECEIVERS PERSONALITY..
someone once told me, you may as well not give a gift if it isn't wrapped.. and this girl, BRINGS THAT TO LIFE.. I mean she makes homemade gingerbread houses that should be on the food network challenge, well.. last week I received two different things from her and I just want to share:




Bragging blogger, aka- VALENTINES POST!

PUMP THE BREAKS- I am not your average blogger who posts pictures of every lovely event in their lives and then fails to mention anything besides trips to the park, beach, concerts, dinners, holidays, BLAH BLAH BLAH- YOU GET THE PICTURE..
but, I do have to say.. no matter your situation, relationship status, or even your epistemological beliefs regarding Valentines Day.. I SAY GET OVER IT- AND EMBRACE IT..
I am so sick of Birthdays, Christmas, Chanukkah, anniversary... BECAUSE THE OBLIGATION TO GIFT, BLOWS.. face it..
I LOVE TO CELEBRATE LOVED ONES, I AM THE BIRTHDAY QUEEN NORMALLY, but I hate people feeling obligated to gift me, and vice versa.. it is just too much, too often, and not fun.. YET..

VALENTINES IS DIFFERENT.. it is plain and simple- pure. You give based on love, warmth, romance, friendship, .. gestures made on Valentines are kind and from a good place, people give to say, I LOVE YOU- I APPRECIATE YOU- I AM HERE FOR YOU-.... there is something to be said for a holiday based on these principles.

so all that said, I will post some pictures of the at-home love motivated project/craft for the hubs,   motivated by my friend Morgan.. she did this for her hubs a year back, and I followed suit, with her guidance and a huge touch of myself (aka- hers was perfectly aligned as you can see in the picture of her finished product.. matching map styles, etc. MINE HOWEVER: REPRESENTS.. us, the places we visited in Europe together.. all different styles, quirky, character.. )

 work in progress....
 finished product?

Needless to say, yes I got flowers, card, candy, my favorite cupcakes, he had a maid service come and clean the whole house...blah blah- and I appreciate all those kind gestures.. BUT MOST OF ALL,

I appreciate .... THAT..

I got to order chinese delivery, eat it in bed, watch The Bachelor and Gossip Girl,.. all on Valentines day after a long day in the office- see that.. is LOVE. When your partner respects and knows you well enough to let you do you,.. stop judging.. we went to the Desert last weekend, he got to Golf twice..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Power of the Brain

So, lots going on.
I have been doing research all day for work, reading articles non-stop on Cancer. quick back story: one of the ladies I work with is also in surgery at Cedars today. ***prayers****  via all this emotional yet realistic surrounding of cancer, the beast that it is, obviously one cannot help their own brain going wild with thoughts.... of all sorts.

But, without sharing all of my crazy thoughts- I just want to share this,

THOUGHTS ARE SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL THEN WE INTEND FOR THEM TO BE SOMETIMES. When we throw our thoughts out into the universe we sometimes bring them to life. Yes it sounds crazy and touchy feely, but really...
WHEN WE MATERIALIZE SOMETHING, it takes on a life of its own. AND SOMETIMES, positive thinking is so powerful.

THINK GOOD THOUGHTS, STAY ON THE POSITIVE TRACK, LOOK TO THE BRIGHT SIDE, and don't always act quickly and rashly, sometimes keeping things to yourself, not telling people immediately, handling a situation with poise and ease, GOES SO MUCH FARTHER THEN ONE COULD EVER IMAGINE.

THE IMAGINATION IS SO POWERFUL. maybe that is why Disney created the character FIGMENT: "I wish I could be an astronaut. I bet I can use imagination to discover all kinds of new things!" 

so, when you tell someone "your thoughts and prayers are with you"... I sure hope those thoughts and prayers are positive and genuine.. because no matter who what where you align yourself religiously politically... however else, one thing I think might be absolutely real is, we can only control ourselves and our thoughts, our attitude, our reactions, SO MAKE THEM POSITIVE ONES,
and keep dreaming

Monday, February 7, 2011

Travel bug.. got the itch?!

I go back and forth from being grateful for living in CA and having great weather.. and parents who let me use their Palm Desert house freely, and who live at the Balboa Bay Club.. VS... being really antsy to get to another continent, island, PLACE!!!

well I did just go to Dallas last weekend, and I was in the desert this weekend.. and I was in Napa/Monterey/Carmel/Pebble/SF a month ago...

TAKING ON THE ORIENT.. or plopping in Hawaii.. or my real wishes are at the end of this little entry...

I want to go go go go go.......

OH, to be young, with disposable income and freedom from big girl life responsibilities (those days have come and gone).. hahahaha I AM SO GLAD I EMBRACED THOSE DAYS WITH FULL THROTTLE SPEED AND ZEST and did my fair share, bc they are right.. THOSE ARE THE TIMES OF YOUR LIFE- so I feel like walking down memory lane for some inspiration..

ps- where are all my Alaska pictures? too lazy to really collect all the trips.. missing lots, New Jersey, Utah, Miami, NY, ..... but you get to see lots of europe, I think I picked pics from Prague, Paris, Rome, GREECE!! Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Brussels,  Krakow, London, Geneva, the Swiss and French alps.., Venice, Tahiti, Hawaii, SF, DC, Monterey/Napa, disney Euro/disneyworld/disneyland.. VEGAS! dallas.. Israel,... so many more to fill in.. 


or the Galapagos...

oh and my other number 1 to do stop:
the Blue Lagoon, ICELAND!!


and don't get me wrong.. I also love quick little weekend warrior trips,..bachelorettes, romantic romps, friend reunions,.. you name it- LET'S GO:

Picture overload.. I think YES! (better than facebook though) 

Mom, IF ONLY YOU READ THIS BLOG.. you would want to take me back to Tahiti STAT- right? love you!