I go back and forth from being grateful for living in CA and having great weather.. and parents who let me use their Palm Desert house freely, and who live at the Balboa Bay Club.. VS... being really antsy to get to another continent, island, PLACE!!!
well I did just go to Dallas last weekend, and I was in the desert this weekend.. and I was in Napa/Monterey/Carmel/Pebble/SF a month ago...
TAKING ON THE ORIENT.. or plopping in Hawaii.. or my real wishes are at the end of this little entry...
I want to go go go go go.......
OH, to be young, with disposable income and freedom from big girl life responsibilities (those days have come and gone).. hahahaha I AM SO GLAD I EMBRACED THOSE DAYS WITH FULL THROTTLE SPEED AND ZEST and did my fair share, bc they are right.. THOSE ARE THE TIMES OF YOUR LIFE- so I feel like walking down memory lane for some inspiration..
ps- where are all my Alaska pictures? too lazy to really collect all the trips.. missing lots, New Jersey, Utah, Miami, NY, ..... but you get to see lots of europe, I think I picked pics from Prague, Paris, Rome, GREECE!! Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Brussels, Krakow, London, Geneva, the Swiss and French alps.., Venice, Tahiti, Hawaii, SF, DC, Monterey/Napa, disney Euro/disneyworld/disneyland.. VEGAS! dallas.. Israel,... so many more to fill in..
or the Galapagos...
oh and my other number 1 to do stop:
the Blue Lagoon, ICELAND!!
and don't get me wrong.. I also love quick little weekend warrior trips,..bachelorettes, romantic romps, friend reunions,.. you name it- LET'S GO:
Picture overload.. I think YES! (better than facebook though)
Mom, IF ONLY YOU READ THIS BLOG.. you would want to take me back to Tahiti STAT- right? love you!