Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Last week I worked at the Maria Shriver Women's Conference. First things first- SHE IS A GODESS... so well spoken, so together, just really sharp and motivating.

The list of speakers, vendors, appearances, was quite simply large.. and impressive...
Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, Oprah, Cindy McCain, Meghan McCain, Matt Lauer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  Sandra Day O'Connor, Jessica Simpson, Al Roker, Tony Robbins, Jill Biden, Paula Deen, Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman, Diane Sawyer,....I MEAN THE LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ON.. those are the only ones I can recall off the top of my head,

Anyways... at first I was quite skeptical of the idea of attending or working at a women's conference just so not my vibe.. yes I love education, speakers, empowerment.. but not in the way of women gathering in a liberal intellectual kind of kumbuya kinda way... and this definitely rang true as I sat and watched/listened to TONY ROBBINS...

WELL.. he is a HOTTIE.. that is for sure...

THESE WOMEN REACT IN THE SCARIEST MANNER TO HIM... I kept thinking, the masses are so easily manipulated it is unbelievable, thousands of women were basically drooling and nodding like a bunch of sedated idiots. NOW LOOK- IN THE GRAND SCHEME, YES HIS MESSAGE IS POSITIVE, so it is not such a bad thing that people listen and follow him.... but it is absolutely astonishing to see how strongly these people react to him...

so.. he starts his little gig and these women are screaming answers at him in unison "YES TONY" "TRUTH" "NO"... then he tells them these statistical facts of how if you respond with physical action, take notes, etc. then you are going to retain some large amount of the information he is telling you, as opposed to just listen where you would only retain something like 10%.. so these women literally stand up- sit down- hug thy neighbor, take notes... I MEAN...


here are some little tidbits I remember (when I wasn't just blown away by these women's reactions and could actually listen... and BY THE WAY- I SWEAR THEY LISTEN TO HIM PARTLY BECAUSE HE IS JUST SO GOOD LOOKING UP THERE)... ok here we go,

finding meaning in life is more important then finding happiness.. because to most people, meaning if much more fulfilling. PEOPLE CRAVE MEANING IN ACTIONS.. and Tony, I agree with you on that one, do I need to yell back at you, shake the person next to me's hands, hug, and go to a seminar to come to this conclusion NO.. but I do agree.  MEANING EQUALS EMOTION, AND EMOTION EQUALS LIFE. 

- what shapes decision?

-here is one I have thought of a lot on my own... we all value different things, and different needs in a different order, for instance: some people need more love, some want significance and would say "I want to be someone before love".. and we all need some sort of significance but by putting it first, you are basically bound to never find true love.. those are Tony's words, NOT MINE GIRLFRIENDS!!
so aka- priorities are important.. GET THEM IN ORDER, those are my words ;)

and ultimately after hours of listening to this BS and being amazed at this feel good nonsense that these women were literally lighting up as if they saw santa claus flying from their roof in a sleigh on christmas eve.... the message to me was..

SHIFT YOUR STORY..  figure yourself out, your demons, your motivators, your meaning.. and write your story the way you want it, change to be the person you want to be.

thanks Tony, I will not be following you around the globe and paying the big bucks to be enlightened by you.. BUT IT WAS A INTERESTING COUPLE OF HOURS I WILL SAY!

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