Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Here is a brief snippet of thoughts, motivated by pictures I took on my blackberry in the last week or so.. sharing with you!

Dipped these suckers myself... it was seriously therapeutic and kinda vibed on it. If for no other reason.. they look pretty cool and taste bomb! 

Took a test at city hall for a job as a costumer service rep. for the accounting department with the City of Beverly Hills, not exaggerating, IT WAS THE HARDEST TEST... hours and hours long, so much math, I couldn't even fathom that people were passing unless they were accountants!



I found this little guy loose on the streets, obviously pull over, chase it around, finally ironically a lady drives by and screams out her window "I FOUND THAT DOG LAST WEEK, HE LIVES TWO BLOCKS DOWN"... so I take him home with the help of a friend, and come to find out he gets out all the time and animal control is always there... SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE DOGGIES. 

Event at USC.. choose to fight on, for women's cancer.. I LOVE COLLEGE- such energy and drive.. motivating powerful environment. Felt good to be in that surrounding again... 

The aftermath. 

I couldn't help but mention this one... THIS IS NOT A CLUB, it is Disneyland.. I hate that. Get a life and go to a club if you crave this environment, is Disney so desperate to make money they have to promote alcohol and a rave like environment to generate revenue? What if I had children there and they saw that? NOT APPROPRIATE, and bizarre. 

In Newport on a Balboa Island walk.. always such a pleasure. Gotta appreciate where you grew up.. 

oh and I didn't document this.. silly me and unlike me- but.. a friend and I took a little girl to CHUCK-E-CHEESE this weekend, and THE PIZZA SUCKED, and it was ghett. but... I guess we shoulda known. STEER CLEAR OF THAT PLACE!! just a side thought. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE those little black and white treats, woulntd they have been perfect at that wedding? oh geeze haha

    Also, so as you know im not an overly dog person, but since joel is obsessed, Im on the look out for one that i gravitate towards...and that dog is adorable! Love his chocolate rolls. cutie.
