Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Running a household.

I gotta give it up to anyone and everyone who has the duties of all things Household. I will always defend the idea of a stay at home mom, IT IS HARD WORK... and yes I give huge props to those who can hold a job down and be a parent full time, but quite simply- call me whatever you want, I am not progressive, and I see a lot of benefit in the philosophy of WIFE/MOTHER.

well.. this is why this thought is prevalent to me.. Last week, I spent literally 9-5 running errands nonstop just for a 2 bedroom apartment. Multiple grocery stores, household objects, flowers, cleaning supplies, the cleaning, blah blah blah. Moral of my story- by the time I had bought nails to hang some stuff, a full marketing, cleaning supplies, taken dry cleaning, purchased flowers, some new stuff for the place (new blanket, sham, etc.) I MEAN I AM SURE IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS.. THEY ARE GOING, PLEASE,... but really, imagine,.. adding children to the mix who have to be at school, soccer, tutoring, all over the city, with traffic and different ages and needs.. ALL I COULD THINK OF WAS... THANKS MOM...

it was just an AAAHH--HA MOMENT.. where you go, WOAH, my parents sure did a lot for us.. it is not an easy feat to keep a nice household, and raise a family, all while making a living, and securing and insuring a happy/loving/healthy/educational/worldy childhood for your kids.

when you have all that to do you may not have time to dream of other things, because to me.. you are living the dream.. and better yet, instilling big dreams in your kids eyes and hearts. Dreaming of the moments ahead, and grateful for the moments that brought me here!

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