Lately everyone I come across is trying to clean it up.
Everyone seems to be evaluating their relationships, job status's, physical being (coachella and swim suits on the horizon), etc. etc.
I find great ease in the fact that.. I have greatly simplified my life. LISTEN, there is something to be said for "the simple life".
I was talking to a colleague yesterday about a personal relationship, and the best advice I could possibly give them, or anyone for that matter is this-
LIFE IS COMPLICATED AS IT IS. JOBS, ILLNESS, NATURAL DISASTERS, STRESS, BILLS, INSURANCE, CAR PROBLEMS, etc. etc. etc... these things all plague our every day's WHICH IS NORMAL, we all face trials and tribulations.. WHY O WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU WANT TO MAKE YOUR OWN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS COMPLICATED AND HARD? don't you deal with enough hardships naturally, that you shouldn't try to pick a roller coaster ride of a relationship?
I GET IT... we love the high's, those fricken high's are SOOO HIGH, but THE LOW'S ARE SOOO LOW, and they quite simply are not worth that high,
if you ask me, I would rather ride steady. BUT, I guess you didn't ask me. SO... ON THAT NOTE,
All I can say is SIMPLIFY-.... make your life easy, I am a firm believer that stress can induce illness, YOU DON'T WANT THAT... why sign up for a stressful time? THERE ARE PLENTY OF INDICATORS AND RED FLAGS OUT THERE, why can we not just follow them? WE KNOW WHEN SOMETHING SMELLS BAD, why taste it?
my spring challenge: CLEAN IT UP. whatever it may be, SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE. I promise, it will bring ease to your everyday.
Sloppy and messy is not in season anymore... SIMPLE AND CLEAN!!