YA, YA... we all grow up bred to think that we want to succeed at whatever it is we are passionate about, and if we work hard and put our all into whatever it is we are doing.. that we then are essentially a WINNER.
Sorry, but.. we all live here, in a capitalistic consumer driven society (which by the way I whole heartily believe in), and as a result.. we know the difference between a "winner" and a "loser". Now.. our definitions may vary a little.. but, bottom line.. there is a clear clean cut divide between the two.
Realistically, there are some professions, and achievements in life. that naturally, label you.. SUCCESSFUL. We all know that not every Dr, Lawyer, Accountant are winners by trade...they are after all a dime a dozen in some cases. BUT... you have to admit, the simple fact that they have gone to Med School, Law School, Business School... passed the Bar, the Boards....blah blah blah.. sort of makes them winners.. at least in my book.
There is also the classic Bill Gates type.. the one who didn't get a formal education yet is on the FORBES list.. or the Mother Theresa mold.. who is the do-gooder who then gets labeled a winner,
I just don't want to fool ourselves thinking.. that there is no such thing as a winner and a loser,
even if its not the "societal" mold that we are following, if you are a free spirit artist type.. you still are pursuing success from some form of a cultural label. You may not want a diploma to hang in your office, but you definitely want someone out there to know who you are because of what you have done..
Then there are those of us who have our own "moral compass" in order to define winning, a winner is someone who beats the odds, works hard at anything that they do, and lives their life in a respectable manner... well DUH.. but I think we all struggle for more then just getting by as a "good" human..
I was walking on Melrose the other day with a friend whom has a respect and interest in "street-art", now lets be honest.. I cannot wait for the city to paint over half this "junk".. but one mans treasure is another mans trash rings true. He COLLECTS THIS STUFF, buys it for large sums of money through art brokers and galleries, and there is a large market for this... Now I may find it silly and have no appreciation for it, nor for the artists (although I find it important to appreciate and know that there are these genres out there.. that some people love, and that goes for all things in life.. you may not be interested or find it great but respecting and knowing about what is out there, MAKES YOU A WINNER)... but somewhere out there a man holding a spray paint can is someones idol and making millions for tagging the streets.

I mean... this guy sure became famous from this Obama "hope" art.. now I consider him a success because look at how huge he became due to his one piece.. but the community in which he comes from.. considers him a sell out! WHO DECIDES WHO IS THE WINNER AND WHO IS THE LOSER?
WHY does only GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE EXIST? the fourth place is just S.O.L, that is why I always think a bronze medal game is so much more exciting and emotional then a GOLD.. at least if you "loose" the gold medal game.. you still are a winner with a medal.. loose in the bronze medal game.. and you walk away.. a LOSER with no medal.
"The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching."
I would say that is a great quote that we would like to believe as the moral base of a winner.. someone who works hard.. and the hard work will ultimately pay off.
I have noticed as we are growing "older" that my girlfriends are starting to have timelines and goals as to marriage, and such (something I admittedly have always myself had a calender for) and I fear that we then begin to define ourselves as winners and losers based on the success rate of these timelines we are creating...
These are all random scattered thoughts around the one common denominator... and simple answer, that, you cannot fight the fact that EVERYBODY LOVES A WINNER.. and everyone you may want to argue that the definition of the word winner is relative, as is everything in life.. but the factual reality is,
WE ALL DREAM TO BE THE WINNER, in whatever it is we deem important and worth our passion and devotion. AND, I think its great.... go get em.. be the winner..