oh wait, I mean DISNEYLAND!
I am the biggest fan of Vegas (to the extent that I say its one of our best metropolitan cities, GREAT HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING AND ENTERTAINMENT. DUH!).. we all know, and of course I am an equally large fan of Disneyland (to the point I go there to escape, got engaged there, check into the Grand Californian regularly, and dream of owning the new million dollar homes 'Golden Oak' built on Disneyworld property WITH FOUR SEASONS SPA ACCESS!, DEAD SERIOUS). Well, the two worlds collide at GLOW FEST.. in California Adventure, and I am not as big of a fan as one would assume.
Well before diving in full force to rag on this.. I have to say, THERE ARE SOME DEFINITE PERKS.. AND IF I had one of those glowing cocktails in my system that they were selling, I MIGHT HAVE BEEN ON CLOUD NINE and thought I had died and gone to heaven on "Hollywood Blvd." via Disney.
FIRST THINGS FIRST- THEY HAVE A FOOD TRUCK PARKED INSIDE OF THE PARK... now that makes it the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH ALL RIGHT. Naturally, I got it.. I mean I pull over on the real Hollywood Blvd. if I spy a good truck.. obviously I am going to be a loyal patron and buy food from it at DISNEYLAND..
But can we please slow down from the extreme fulfillment and excitement that I was getting from the food truck and focus on the fact that they turned Hollywood Blvd. at a Disney park into the real deal.. they had go-go dancers dancing on platforms granted they were wearing glow in the dark body suits, but it still was erotic and completely overhwelmingly innapropriate, not to mention the stands in the middle of the street selling alcohol that you were allowed to walk down the street carrying.. If I had children, I may have been extremely mortified. Not "family friendly".
If you are still yearning for the feeling you had at Coachella.. maybe just head on down to Hollywood Blvd. at California Adventure, and you will feel right at home!
I was on total sensory overload.. you could go to these areas and dance and it was projected up onto the walls. I don't know, maybe I was overwhelmed by the company I was in.. and the sober state of mind, but it was a lot! AND I will remind you.. I could see the success and the fun it could be.. but as a sober, pixie dust sprinkled, happy ending loving disney go-er, this was a little bit too much for me!
In natural fashion.. we had chosen Cal Adventure so we could see the new show, World of Color.. and, it got canceled.. my poor friend who showed us the tricks.. still pretty good little secrets to know, thanks!
I have to throw this in this tidbit- My mommy and I saw a group of kids all get the MAX score on buzz... that is just MINDBOGGGGGLING.
working at Disney seems like a DREAM...I wanna chase that dream!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Independence. DAY!
Obviously I am one Patriotic girl.. and I feel like the fourth of July is sort of up there with New Years.. huge anticipation levels and hope of an "UNBELIEVABLE TIME".
well.... it never fails to be great in Newport. Even if you just sit at the BBC and eat a power burger and have cocktails delivered to you poolside, or if you are falling off a bike on the peninsula and drinking some strangers alcohol because you lost your friends... IT IS ALWAYS A GOOD TIME.
the BEST fourth of JULY vibes ever in NEWPORT!!!!! USA!
You can bet your bottom dollar.. I AM DREAMING!!
well.... it never fails to be great in Newport. Even if you just sit at the BBC and eat a power burger and have cocktails delivered to you poolside, or if you are falling off a bike on the peninsula and drinking some strangers alcohol because you lost your friends... IT IS ALWAYS A GOOD TIME.
the BEST fourth of JULY vibes ever in NEWPORT!!!!! USA!
You can bet your bottom dollar.. I AM DREAMING!!
twilight. zone.
So I was reading a quote that the author of twilight was talking about how she just does not feel in the zone or motivated to finish the last manuscript or book or whatever it is, .... I am not a twihard, so I barely follow. I totally get her though, and the passion behind it,
Sometimes I wake up in the night with thoughts racing for books, or chapters, or even blog posts.. and if I don't write down little notes, or just simply sit and write pages and pages right then.. those thoughts are gone the next day, heck the next five minutes. It is so interesting how the brain works that way.
Makes me think about passion and motivation on the whole.
Are we only motivated for brief moments of time, we can feel whole-heartily so passionate about something... be willing to give up everything to work for that one thing, and then in a moments time, that passion fades.. and we essentially snap back.
Break-ups are like that.. think about it, you are with someone, and essentially you are intimately connected closer to that person than almost any other in your life.. and then one day it can be over, and basically you are forced to let go of everything and move on.. and then to function as if it never happened, they never existed, and you didn't loose something so near and dear. Quite a concept. Props to anyone who has gone thru a hard one.
But really, I was thinking about this concept immensely. On the whole.
WE CREATE THESE IDEAS, DREAMS IF YOU WILL.. we map them out, we imagine them, and then one day, the dream dies.. it is wasted. NOT ALWAYS, some of us follow some of these dreams, we create realities, and we keep coming up with new dreams to tackle... EVEN THE MOST PROACTIVE OF PERSON.. who follows and materializes most of their dreams, still comes up with great ideas and dreams that they never attempt.. (TIMEOUT, there is a screaming battle outside my window in some form of an Asian dialect, and its quite funny to listen to.. aka- DISTRACTED and there goes my thought ;))
anyways, an easy example would be... a business idea, You come up with some great little concept that you would be great at, and could really do, research it a little, think about it often.. days and weeks pass, months, and eventually its just an "idea" you have had, WHY NOT TRY IT? of course there is risk.. but PROGRESS ALWAYS INVOLVES RISK.. someone once told me, "YOU CAN'T STEAL SECOND, WITHOUT TAKING YOUR FOOT OFF OF FIRST."
So I guess my goal is this- when I wake up with these thoughts.. write them down, who cares if I loose sleep,... maybe I will end up with a great book to publish, and when I have an idea, try my best to materialize it. Obviously this cannot be the answer for every dream and idea I have, and some will be wasted, but if we can be the most proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win win win.... SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN BE UNDERSTOOD.. we will always be dreamers, ...
and we can always KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE!
stay in the ZONE!
Sometimes I wake up in the night with thoughts racing for books, or chapters, or even blog posts.. and if I don't write down little notes, or just simply sit and write pages and pages right then.. those thoughts are gone the next day, heck the next five minutes. It is so interesting how the brain works that way.
Makes me think about passion and motivation on the whole.
Are we only motivated for brief moments of time, we can feel whole-heartily so passionate about something... be willing to give up everything to work for that one thing, and then in a moments time, that passion fades.. and we essentially snap back.
Break-ups are like that.. think about it, you are with someone, and essentially you are intimately connected closer to that person than almost any other in your life.. and then one day it can be over, and basically you are forced to let go of everything and move on.. and then to function as if it never happened, they never existed, and you didn't loose something so near and dear. Quite a concept. Props to anyone who has gone thru a hard one.
But really, I was thinking about this concept immensely. On the whole.
WE CREATE THESE IDEAS, DREAMS IF YOU WILL.. we map them out, we imagine them, and then one day, the dream dies.. it is wasted. NOT ALWAYS, some of us follow some of these dreams, we create realities, and we keep coming up with new dreams to tackle... EVEN THE MOST PROACTIVE OF PERSON.. who follows and materializes most of their dreams, still comes up with great ideas and dreams that they never attempt.. (TIMEOUT, there is a screaming battle outside my window in some form of an Asian dialect, and its quite funny to listen to.. aka- DISTRACTED and there goes my thought ;))
anyways, an easy example would be... a business idea, You come up with some great little concept that you would be great at, and could really do, research it a little, think about it often.. days and weeks pass, months, and eventually its just an "idea" you have had, WHY NOT TRY IT? of course there is risk.. but PROGRESS ALWAYS INVOLVES RISK.. someone once told me, "YOU CAN'T STEAL SECOND, WITHOUT TAKING YOUR FOOT OFF OF FIRST."
So I guess my goal is this- when I wake up with these thoughts.. write them down, who cares if I loose sleep,... maybe I will end up with a great book to publish, and when I have an idea, try my best to materialize it. Obviously this cannot be the answer for every dream and idea I have, and some will be wasted, but if we can be the most proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win win win.... SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN BE UNDERSTOOD.. we will always be dreamers, ...
and we can always KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE!
stay in the ZONE!
Summer TV programming.
I hate those dang Bravo commercials of their "summer" cast. I really feared for my summertime DVR recordings.. what was a girl to do, RHONY (real housewives of NY) was over, (NOW LETS TALK ABOUT WITHDRAWLS.. I HAVE THEM MAJOR, I NEED JILL IN MY LIFE). No Gossip Girl, No GLEE, no Idol, no 24, JUST YOU GET THE PICTURE, NO NOTHING!
BUT, have no fear.. I am coming into quite a schedule, Like my everyday life.. THE KARDASHIANS ALWAYS SAVE ME WITH ENTERTAINMENT, so I always have 30 minutes to share with Kourtney and Khloe in Miami.. can't complain. AND, I still have Theresa and Caroline of Housewives of New Jersey, oh and of course Beverly, I mean DANIELLE teaches us to learn from Paris Hilton "to always pretend to be on the phone" it makes people jealous.. LIFE LESSON RIGHT THERE.
I secretly catch glimpses of the NEUROSIS of Betheny, yes, I admited it, my husband says it's like "cheating on Jill to watch that" (simply put he is trying to deter me from anymore shows he simply cannot handle the nose of.. can I blame him?) I can't help but watch a little.. NEVER IN ITS TIMESLOT THOUGH, I WOULDN'T DARE ADD TO ITS RATINGS.. what is a girl to die, I LOVE WEDDINGS AND ALL THINGS WEDDINGS and in the title of the show is the word "married" and its an Andy Cohen production.. and well he does it for me. She is batshit luney though, and anyone of you who think she is funny, wouldn't think so when those one liners are directed at you, nightmere.
This is a rather intellectual post I must say. HOWEVER, it is a rather large part of my life ha.
CUPCAKE WARS.. is a new favorite Food network addition.. perfect for summer. Ace of Cakes starts a new season this week as well!! SEE ALL THESE GREAT SUMMER SHOWS!! WOOT WOOT.
there is always Ali the bachelorette, and thanks to US weekly I am now tracking her weight gain while viewing, so kind. We felt so motivated by her even that after watching last night, we then watched RHONJ and ordered Laventina's extra large pizza.. with LARGE sides of ranch, naturally, four girls, the week of 4th of jULY thought that was genuis, and it WAS!
Keep dreaming of that Laventina's perfect for Italian Jersey viewing.
BUT, have no fear.. I am coming into quite a schedule, Like my everyday life.. THE KARDASHIANS ALWAYS SAVE ME WITH ENTERTAINMENT, so I always have 30 minutes to share with Kourtney and Khloe in Miami.. can't complain. AND, I still have Theresa and Caroline of Housewives of New Jersey, oh and of course Beverly, I mean DANIELLE teaches us to learn from Paris Hilton "to always pretend to be on the phone" it makes people jealous.. LIFE LESSON RIGHT THERE.
I secretly catch glimpses of the NEUROSIS of Betheny, yes, I admited it, my husband says it's like "cheating on Jill to watch that" (simply put he is trying to deter me from anymore shows he simply cannot handle the nose of.. can I blame him?) I can't help but watch a little.. NEVER IN ITS TIMESLOT THOUGH, I WOULDN'T DARE ADD TO ITS RATINGS.. what is a girl to die, I LOVE WEDDINGS AND ALL THINGS WEDDINGS and in the title of the show is the word "married" and its an Andy Cohen production.. and well he does it for me. She is batshit luney though, and anyone of you who think she is funny, wouldn't think so when those one liners are directed at you, nightmere.
This is a rather intellectual post I must say. HOWEVER, it is a rather large part of my life ha.
CUPCAKE WARS.. is a new favorite Food network addition.. perfect for summer. Ace of Cakes starts a new season this week as well!! SEE ALL THESE GREAT SUMMER SHOWS!! WOOT WOOT.
there is always Ali the bachelorette, and thanks to US weekly I am now tracking her weight gain while viewing, so kind. We felt so motivated by her even that after watching last night, we then watched RHONJ and ordered Laventina's extra large pizza.. with LARGE sides of ranch, naturally, four girls, the week of 4th of jULY thought that was genuis, and it WAS!
Keep dreaming of that Laventina's perfect for Italian Jersey viewing.
Paging DR. DREW
So.. I "deactivated" my facebook account a couple weeks ago and I had been warned that studies had been done, and disconnecting 18-20somethings from social media resulted in similiar symptoms to patients who were on detox from serious addictions AKA: APARENTLY PEOPLE SHAKE AND SWEAT FROM NOT CHECKING FACEBOOK LIKE THEY WOULD FROM NOT SHOOTING THEIR ARM WITH HEROIN?
well MARC ZUCKERBERG I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW.. I FEEL GREAT WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR HARVARD DIPLOMA CREATION.. I feel liberated and free to be honest.. of course there is the occasional natural open the computer, open safari, and first thing I type is FACEBOOK.COM and then I snap out of it, and realize, NO THANK YOU. (for now)
Should I maybe also clarify that I checked the option for deactivating that "this is temporary, I will return". AND I SHALL.. but only as a user who logs on for no more then 15 minutes total daily.. sounds fair?
I really do believe that facebook is a fantasy, people post the best pictures, the best activities and story lines.. in order to create a personna.. and then to take it a step further, you start to creep on people you wouldn't even pick up the phone and call, or is it worse that you creep on the exact people you do call, and you see who have written on their walls, and so forth.. THAT IS NOT A NORMAL THING. I mean I already am bbm-ing you, seeing you, talking to you, and now I want to check your wall? THIS IS A LITTLE MUCH IS IT NOT?
I feel as though I have gotten my facebook "addiction" under control.. but they say, it takes 21 days to break a habit..
and as a result of not using facebook. I have barely even used a computer, and in return.. haven't blogged. I really find I read news articles on my phone, and e-mail via my blackberry, so what do I need a computer for these days?
TWITTER!! hahahha one addiction to the next, no but really.. my tweeets may be more frequent but its hardly the usage or sickness of facebook. You type one sentence, you read some others, and you log off. Harmless. FOR NOW.
good thing the shakes have gone away so I can type this one out.. ;)
well MARC ZUCKERBERG I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW.. I FEEL GREAT WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR HARVARD DIPLOMA CREATION.. I feel liberated and free to be honest.. of course there is the occasional natural open the computer, open safari, and first thing I type is FACEBOOK.COM and then I snap out of it, and realize, NO THANK YOU. (for now)
Should I maybe also clarify that I checked the option for deactivating that "this is temporary, I will return". AND I SHALL.. but only as a user who logs on for no more then 15 minutes total daily.. sounds fair?
I really do believe that facebook is a fantasy, people post the best pictures, the best activities and story lines.. in order to create a personna.. and then to take it a step further, you start to creep on people you wouldn't even pick up the phone and call, or is it worse that you creep on the exact people you do call, and you see who have written on their walls, and so forth.. THAT IS NOT A NORMAL THING. I mean I already am bbm-ing you, seeing you, talking to you, and now I want to check your wall? THIS IS A LITTLE MUCH IS IT NOT?
I feel as though I have gotten my facebook "addiction" under control.. but they say, it takes 21 days to break a habit..
and as a result of not using facebook. I have barely even used a computer, and in return.. haven't blogged. I really find I read news articles on my phone, and e-mail via my blackberry, so what do I need a computer for these days?
TWITTER!! hahahha one addiction to the next, no but really.. my tweeets may be more frequent but its hardly the usage or sickness of facebook. You type one sentence, you read some others, and you log off. Harmless. FOR NOW.
good thing the shakes have gone away so I can type this one out.. ;)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Music and Lyrics
Naturally we all identify with certain songs, sometimes because of the moments that happened while listening to theme, maybe it is the lyrics.. or some other underlying reason. I find that sometimes I go thru phases where music really is in my life.. representing moods and feelings.
We latch onto quotes.. song lyrics...characters in books, plays, movies, TV shows.. etc.
Well today.. I found this card collection that I really was vibing on.. I FELT IT SPOKE TO ME, and I am sure they maybe will speak to you.. without further analyzing.. here some of them are:
and for good measure..
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sandwich Utopia.
WHO KNEW? well.. maybe you did, but this is my new obsession..
Olive Ciabatta bread.. Olive tapenade, roasted turkey, marinated onions, carrots... and a million more little taste buds delights!
Manic Monday Blues.
It's just another Manic Monday.... wish it were Sunday..
Well, for me ironically, that is an Ironic statement... See.. for most people, a Manic Monday means getting back into the swing of the weekday rush, work, etc. FOR ME- and I think for many others in my shoes, it begins yet another week of job hunting, and ultimately, the daily grind to find some stimulation, stability, and striving to fulfill ourselves. I get it, the grass is always greener.. and maybe having a full-time gig would weigh heavily on me, but as of now.. Monday brings the blues... you can only sleep in so much, and go to the gym so many times to fill your hours. (You would think I would look a lot better, huh?)
Anyways I find myself and many others struggling with this stage of life... I am trying to grab hold of the struggle, and say, WHY STRUGGLE... do whatever makes us the happiest, sit by the pool, shop, travel, follow our hearts... etc. You have to make yourself happy and make things happen, because nobody else will.. we are all too busy trying to help ourselves..
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Obsessions of my day.
AND.. I found a new Trader Joe's gem.. PINK SALT, made for me.. I mean I have pink margarita salt for the rims of the glasses.. but this my friends, IS LEGIT... domestic excitement.
I drove next to a new food truck I have yet to hit up..
and I saw my first Jonathon Broxton "this is my town" which obviously excites me to the max..
Just when I thought I had totally had it with LA.. you surprise me!
this'll cheer you up.
Watching Laker game.. eating HoSum and...
In a heart tin for a reason.. THAT IS TRUE LOVE RIGHT THERE, BABY!
dream of it.
DDD. Thank you Guy.
Well, if you know me at all.. you know nothing makes me happy like a cheeseburger. And to push it farther, I am an addict of Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives... I mean I literally contemplated making a honeymoon out of tracking these spots, if there was a 5 star hotel in every town that there were triple D's my heart would be a flutter. Anyhow, I have stopped at about... 10 of them.. which is nothing compared to the amount that have been featured now..
So, long story short, there is one in Ocean Beach that my husband has been desperate to go to,.. FOR YEARS!!! literally, YEARS!! I made my way to it once already with a dear friend.. and well, THIS WEEKEND MY HUSBAND AND MY OTHER DEAR FRIEND GOT A TASTE OF HEAVEN!!!
This place is so not me, it is in grungy hippie Ocean Beach, it is a total dive, whole in the wall, establishment.. BUT THE FOOD IS JUST SO UNREAL THAT IT MAKES IT CHARMING AND UNBELIEVABLE.. AND I WILL GO BACK ANYTIME, ANYDAY....
So, long story short, there is one in Ocean Beach that my husband has been desperate to go to,.. FOR YEARS!!! literally, YEARS!! I made my way to it once already with a dear friend.. and well, THIS WEEKEND MY HUSBAND AND MY OTHER DEAR FRIEND GOT A TASTE OF HEAVEN!!!
This place is so not me, it is in grungy hippie Ocean Beach, it is a total dive, whole in the wall, establishment.. BUT THE FOOD IS JUST SO UNREAL THAT IT MAKES IT CHARMING AND UNBELIEVABLE.. AND I WILL GO BACK ANYTIME, ANYDAY....
That is the burger featured on the show... double cheeseburger, with BACON PATTIES! yep, bacon Patties.. my husband was in pure cheeseburger utopia. I say forget the bacon let the burger speak for itself.. BETTER YET..
one of my best friends ordered a MILKSHAKE.. I am not even a milk shake girl.. and this thing.. WOULD BRING THE BOYS TO THE YARD..
That is not whip cream on top ladies and gentleman, THAT IS HOW THICK THE SHAKE IS... IT DOESN'T RUN DOWN THE SIDE, IT STAYS STANDING UP!!!! and you only use SPOONS, NO STRAWS..
"now that is worth being fat for"
I dream of you Hodads.. Imagine if I got to go to the San Diego Zoo and Hodads in one day.. EEEK..
Sun and Water (Polo)
NATURALLY... being in the sun and in the water makes me happy, always. WaterPolo.. it has had its moments.
Anyhow, I was lucky enough to come across the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of a random team and play this weekend in "Masters Nationals". I am so glad I did.. I mean jumping in full force after a year of not touching a ball was rather aggressive, especially two games a day.. but, at the end of the weekend it absolutely jump started a positive week for me.. of working out, and feeling healthy and more importantly, fulfilled and happy. These are the types of things we have to do, we have to re-visit those things that we are good at or that make us feel good about ourselves and do them. Wether it be a sport, a hobby, a certain thing.. we should do those things. AND I got to spend quality time with quality people.
How pretty is this pool? It is a community center on Coronado Island.. I mean, it is on the BAY and its a waveless infinity.. HELLO HEAVEN. (did I mention there was MENS Masters teams there as well ;.. you think the world cup men are attractive.. one thing I will say for Water Polo.. WATER POLO BOYS ARE NEVER UNATTRACTIVE, it is like a pre-requisite).
Anyhow, I was lucky enough to come across the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of a random team and play this weekend in "Masters Nationals". I am so glad I did.. I mean jumping in full force after a year of not touching a ball was rather aggressive, especially two games a day.. but, at the end of the weekend it absolutely jump started a positive week for me.. of working out, and feeling healthy and more importantly, fulfilled and happy. These are the types of things we have to do, we have to re-visit those things that we are good at or that make us feel good about ourselves and do them. Wether it be a sport, a hobby, a certain thing.. we should do those things. AND I got to spend quality time with quality people.
How pretty is this pool? It is a community center on Coronado Island.. I mean, it is on the BAY and its a waveless infinity.. HELLO HEAVEN. (did I mention there was MENS Masters teams there as well ;.. you think the world cup men are attractive.. one thing I will say for Water Polo.. WATER POLO BOYS ARE NEVER UNATTRACTIVE, it is like a pre-requisite).
and the highlight of the pool deck, well aside from the senior's water aerobic class that gave me flashes to my future life...
Welcome Back
Well, after a one week cleanse of social media.. well Okay Okay, honesty is the best policy here, as of right now I am 48+ hours clean of not logging onto my Facebook account, and I am one week clear of blogging... and twitter has been sporadic (good use of the word sporadic right Cher? shout-out to "Clueless" only one of the most classic movies of all times), needless to say, I was and am attempting to cleanse.
so- What has been going on.. new dreams. Trying to live in reality not in fantasy, and my friend and I were discussing how "facebook is fantasy". LETS BE HONEST HERE THOUGH- I do love a fairy-tale fantasy.
I think that ultimately the idea here is that, in the last week or so I have been trying be more active in the sense that, I act upon my thoughts and dreams. I focused in on what I needed and wanted and knew was the best most healthy proactive decisions.. and it works.
Here is my new thing: at the start or end of every week, to write down things that I can do to enhance myself, like working out, keeping the house clean, budgeting, scheduling friends, time in the sun, job hunting, networking, calling family and friends, doing the things we always know we need to do, but making those essentially "my job" since I complain so often of not having one... then from there, cutting out the negatives that I know I have and do, like sitting on face-book for needless amounts of time, making it a toxic activity,.. or swinging by susie cakes or sprinkles, not a necessity, get frozen yogurt instead... or laying instead of going on a walk outside or attempting to be proactively social,... research volunteer opportunities instead of why Theresa from the Housewives of NJ is broke (OKAY FINE. I WILL ALWAYS DEDICATE TIME TO THE HOUSEWIVES...)
Anyways my preach is simple:
I am officially trying to cut out bad, and attempt to really add in good... "find a healthy balance" if you will..
so get out there, find your dreams and passions, follow the positive ones, and make an attempt to leave the negative behind!
so- What has been going on.. new dreams. Trying to live in reality not in fantasy, and my friend and I were discussing how "facebook is fantasy". LETS BE HONEST HERE THOUGH- I do love a fairy-tale fantasy.
I think that ultimately the idea here is that, in the last week or so I have been trying be more active in the sense that, I act upon my thoughts and dreams. I focused in on what I needed and wanted and knew was the best most healthy proactive decisions.. and it works.
Here is my new thing: at the start or end of every week, to write down things that I can do to enhance myself, like working out, keeping the house clean, budgeting, scheduling friends, time in the sun, job hunting, networking, calling family and friends, doing the things we always know we need to do, but making those essentially "my job" since I complain so often of not having one... then from there, cutting out the negatives that I know I have and do, like sitting on face-book for needless amounts of time, making it a toxic activity,.. or swinging by susie cakes or sprinkles, not a necessity, get frozen yogurt instead... or laying instead of going on a walk outside or attempting to be proactively social,... research volunteer opportunities instead of why Theresa from the Housewives of NJ is broke (OKAY FINE. I WILL ALWAYS DEDICATE TIME TO THE HOUSEWIVES...)
Anyways my preach is simple:
I am officially trying to cut out bad, and attempt to really add in good... "find a healthy balance" if you will..
so get out there, find your dreams and passions, follow the positive ones, and make an attempt to leave the negative behind!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
dreaming of these.
if anyone should own these, it should be me.
dreaming of bright pink patent Chanel on my feetsies.
give me a week ;)
What a girl Wants!
I have always been a weirdo Amanda Bynes liker.. I mean on my honeymoon, we are walking thru the world showcase, China to be exact, and I whisper to Alex "Look a normal girl with a Chanel bag" (bc you know, the crowd isn't always so civilized) Low and Behold I hear the voice and its Mandy.. ya Mandy, nicknames bc we are besties, ya know. So.. I swear I didn't even stalk, but we KEPT running into each-other everywhere. Same restaurant, same rides at the same times, getting a drink at the same kiosk, just ironic an random.. and of course, I loved it.
ANYWAYS- THIS HAS TO BE MY FAVORITE OUTFIT EVER... CLASSIC GO TO.. JEANS, OXFORD, HERMES, YOU GOT IT GIRL! Her balenciaga aint so bad either, always dig the gold hardware..
ANYWAYS- THIS HAS TO BE MY FAVORITE OUTFIT EVER... CLASSIC GO TO.. JEANS, OXFORD, HERMES, YOU GOT IT GIRL! Her balenciaga aint so bad either, always dig the gold hardware..
she is so my jam!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Actions V. Thoughts.
Lately.. I have been well, I have a lot of time on my hands, so thinking.
Obviously the saying rings true that actions speak louder then words.. but what about thoughts?
Are thoughts actual dreams and goals? If we think about something often enough, does that mean we should act on it? What if that thought might be a negative one? lots of question...
Anyways I just want to break this down:
Ok so how to separate all my thoughts- Thoughts of tonight are this simple:
create a goal list- what do I want to accomplish long term, and in order to do that, how do I make a schedule of "short-term" behaviors in order to ensure long term results. I think about these things enough, that I should write them out, and then do my absolute best to follow thru and ACT upon them. Now thats a positive goal.. but what in the world do we do with our "negative" thoughts.. throw them away? do our best to not act upon them? How do we even categorize what is "negative"?
WOAHY... this is heavy stuff. Well, to me at least.
I challenge you- think about this thought... do you always act upon your thoughts? should you? How do you control yourself from acting upon those thoughts that you shouldn't act on, and how do you force yourself or motivate yourself to act upon those thoughts that are actual proactive things?
All I know is this- I have A LOT of thoughts, and I want to start materializing those thoughts into actual actions.. so I will start slow,
tomorrow.. the gym. That is a fair enough start. minor. but its a thought I have all too often, that I don't act upon often enough. common. I am sure.
then there are those thoughts that are private.. I will act upon some of those too, SO SHOULD YOU.
Don't waste your dreams, make them realities.
p.s- I am a firm believer in following your instinct and your thoughts.. and maybe sometimes that leads me to behave irrationally, but I think that is the best way to live, because, well.. at least you are living! RIGHT?
and by the way- CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SEE ME IN PERSON? live your life.
Obviously the saying rings true that actions speak louder then words.. but what about thoughts?
Are thoughts actual dreams and goals? If we think about something often enough, does that mean we should act on it? What if that thought might be a negative one? lots of question...
Anyways I just want to break this down:
Ok so how to separate all my thoughts- Thoughts of tonight are this simple:
create a goal list- what do I want to accomplish long term, and in order to do that, how do I make a schedule of "short-term" behaviors in order to ensure long term results. I think about these things enough, that I should write them out, and then do my absolute best to follow thru and ACT upon them. Now thats a positive goal.. but what in the world do we do with our "negative" thoughts.. throw them away? do our best to not act upon them? How do we even categorize what is "negative"?
WOAHY... this is heavy stuff. Well, to me at least.
I challenge you- think about this thought... do you always act upon your thoughts? should you? How do you control yourself from acting upon those thoughts that you shouldn't act on, and how do you force yourself or motivate yourself to act upon those thoughts that are actual proactive things?
All I know is this- I have A LOT of thoughts, and I want to start materializing those thoughts into actual actions.. so I will start slow,
tomorrow.. the gym. That is a fair enough start. minor. but its a thought I have all too often, that I don't act upon often enough. common. I am sure.
then there are those thoughts that are private.. I will act upon some of those too, SO SHOULD YOU.
Don't waste your dreams, make them realities.
p.s- I am a firm believer in following your instinct and your thoughts.. and maybe sometimes that leads me to behave irrationally, but I think that is the best way to live, because, well.. at least you are living! RIGHT?
and by the way- CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SEE ME IN PERSON? live your life.
My House.
I am not one of those kids from Southern California who went away to college and yearned for Mexican Food. When I was living in Hawaii, and in Prague.. everyone always spoke of how their first meal at home was going to be a BIG ol burrito, or a greasy taco, etc. etc. NOT ME.. But, I do have to say, there is something about MI CASA.. that simply never changes, and is just so dang good.
there is a little glance at our Saturday night dinner.. full of cheese and grease and good company.
I have to share this little snippet from dinner, so here is a quick breakdown, at the table is my brother and his Fiance', our family friend whom I will forever still picture at the Bay Club in his crisp white polo shirts roaming loose, and our other best family friend (if only her brother had been there, we would have been complete). Anyways, we are talking about New Orleans, because my brother has a great job offer there.. and somehow we are discussing Hurricanes, and start talking about the LEVEES BREAKING..
and our friend goes, "F THAT.. WHAT THE HELL IS A LEVEE ANYWAY, ALL I KNOW IS MADONNA SAYS "drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry". OH MY GOSH.. I was laughing so dang hard...
because its so true, what do we know about Levee's here in Southern California?
and I will take it one further, do we really know about a lot of things here? Even the things we do know, how well do we know them. I want to make an effort to really know what I am talking about when I talk about things.. research more, read more, etc. etc. I mean, I can barely grasp all this B.P OIL mess.. and I am going to dedicate a full hour tomorrow to reading up on the actual logistical problems that revolve around the spill, the solutions, etc.
SO SHOULD YOU, Pick a natural disaster, a moment in history, anything that you are interested in or that affects your life, and research it! and WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ENOUGH! ;)
well sweet DREAMS, Mi Casa es Sue Casa..
and no not the club in LA "my house". not my vibe.
Damn Yankees.
I just keep picturing that scene in Damn Yankees.... when all the wives are singing about baseball season.. and the husbands are sitting in-front of the TV screaming... "Six months out of every year... you're blind, UMP, you're blind UMP you musta be out of your mind UMP" hahaha (reminds me of all this controversy with the UMP throwing the poor guys perfect game.. not even a no hitter? a crying UMP, blah blah blah)
MORAL OF MY STORY.. I feel like these days, it is always some big sporting event that we just "cannot miss". Baseball season, Basketball Finals.. COUNTDOWN TO THE WORLD CUP.. etc. etc. etc.,
anyways, DOYERS, I have been lucky enough to always get to attend Dodger games,.. and this week- 3 IN 7 DAYS.. for my husband, that is a GREAT week- for me, I am ready to offer his friends a visit.. Don't get me wrong, 1 a week- I WOULD NEVER EVEN COMPLAIN, especially when I see games like this past Friday, when my main man Broxton ( 6'5, 300.. UHM HELLO BOYFRIEND) comes in and closes! I WOULD EVEN MAKE MY 3 GAME WEEK A 4 GAME WEEK, if anyone would give me tomorrow night tickets, for a BROXTON BOBBLE-HEAD! hahaha half kidding. anyways, one of Alex (the hubs) friends told me I would get to see Heyward hit.. well he struck out 5 times
MORAL OF MY STORY.. I feel like these days, it is always some big sporting event that we just "cannot miss". Baseball season, Basketball Finals.. COUNTDOWN TO THE WORLD CUP.. etc. etc. etc.,
anyways, DOYERS, I have been lucky enough to always get to attend Dodger games,.. and this week- 3 IN 7 DAYS.. for my husband, that is a GREAT week- for me, I am ready to offer his friends a visit.. Don't get me wrong, 1 a week- I WOULD NEVER EVEN COMPLAIN, especially when I see games like this past Friday, when my main man Broxton ( 6'5, 300.. UHM HELLO BOYFRIEND) comes in and closes! I WOULD EVEN MAKE MY 3 GAME WEEK A 4 GAME WEEK, if anyone would give me tomorrow night tickets, for a BROXTON BOBBLE-HEAD! hahaha half kidding. anyways, one of Alex (the hubs) friends told me I would get to see Heyward hit.. well he struck out 5 times
I am spoiled with our seats I know, Alex's fam.. row A,.. an isle from home, and my grandparents.. row like J behind home.. so YES, SPOILED.. but in such a busy LA sports week, there is not much celebrity siting going on, and lets face it, that is always interesting.. 

Well.. Greg Brady was about my most exciting spotting on Friday night, maybe it will be better tomorrow- although.. I must admit, I do love the Brady Brunch, even their E True Hollywood story is re-watch-able.
I think one day I am going to stalk our cupboards with these waters and see how excited Alex gets when he gets home.. Oh the thrills of being a domestic goddess.
THIS IS MY TOWN. dreams.
As I drive around town on my various matronly erronds and ever so important things that I just must get done.. I spy special little spots, that well, I find worth a picture and a shout out. I drive by and take a double take to go, WELL ISN'T THAT CLEVER?
Pretty darn cute if you ask me. Picture says it all. WOOF WOOF!
Such a clever name for a swim suit store. and I just gotta say, I judge this book by its cover.. could the awning be any cuter?
Pretty darn cute for a casting agency in Santa Monica. Escape to Hollywood?
Lets get Political.
Maybe just Patriotic.
first may I just say, I saw a clip of SNOOKI (yes, yes JERSEY SHORE BABY) saying that she doesn't Tan anymore because Obama raised the taxes on tanning 10%... and that she voted for McCain because he is pale, and would probably want a tan! HEAVEN.
next- I was at the Reagan Library on Friday.. and I was just obsessed with all things I was feeling there-
first of all... it is just good to get out, to go somewhere, "educational".. where there is value, and the people are interesting. NEXT- I JUST AM A REAGAN FREAK.. SO IT HIT THE SPOT!
Look how cool this is- they have Air Force one suspended in a hanger, that housed 6 sitting presidents.. and it is just SOOO SPECIAL TO WALK THRU IT.. you feel the powerful moments that could have happened in there, and shaped our very existence and freedom..

Maybe just Patriotic.
first may I just say, I saw a clip of SNOOKI (yes, yes JERSEY SHORE BABY) saying that she doesn't Tan anymore because Obama raised the taxes on tanning 10%... and that she voted for McCain because he is pale, and would probably want a tan! HEAVEN.
next- I was at the Reagan Library on Friday.. and I was just obsessed with all things I was feeling there-
first of all... it is just good to get out, to go somewhere, "educational".. where there is value, and the people are interesting. NEXT- I JUST AM A REAGAN FREAK.. SO IT HIT THE SPOT!
Look how cool this is- they have Air Force one suspended in a hanger, that housed 6 sitting presidents.. and it is just SOOO SPECIAL TO WALK THRU IT.. you feel the powerful moments that could have happened in there, and shaped our very existence and freedom..
I felt a serious sense of pride while looking around, and thinking about things..
"We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free"
Mrs. Reagan, Nancy.. deserves more credit too, she should be like Jackie (and for me, A SELF PROFESSED KENNEDY FREAK TO SAY THIS..).. those red suits, TO DIE FOR.

Panache baby, THE COUNTESS SAYS IT BEST.. 'Chic Cest La Vie"!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thoughtfulness is never under-appreciated.
WHAT MOTIVATION.. we should all want to be thoughtful all the time, but sometimes I find.. I, we, all have these great motives and thoughts, but acting on them and actually materializing them.. sometimes slips away. In other words, we have good intention.. but sometimes, actions speak louder.
Anyways my friend, who was also my teacher, not just because all people teach you things, but because she LITERALLY was my teacher.. is maybe the most thoughtful person I have come in contact with. I feel like she never stops giving. MORAL OF THE STORY- she sent me the CUTEST PICK ME UPPER, the most hilarious little book of notecards and sticky's...
Anyways my friend, who was also my teacher, not just because all people teach you things, but because she LITERALLY was my teacher.. is maybe the most thoughtful person I have come in contact with. I feel like she never stops giving. MORAL OF THE STORY- she sent me the CUTEST PICK ME UPPER, the most hilarious little book of notecards and sticky's...
"why yes, I am over-qualified"
well I know I can..
This cute priceless little gift came with a card.. that she pointed out was "printed in Israel" SHALOM!!! and this is the same friend who gave us glasses that were made in the Czech Republic for our wedding.. EVERYTHING HAS A MEANING.. HOW RAD IS SHE?
such good motivation to want to do thoughtful things like she does..
quote me on that one.
anyone have a nice 30-something man friend for this shiksa goddess I am speaking of?
well I missed out. MAJOR.
HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME I COULD REGISTER FOR PRESIDENTIAL CHINA REPLICA'S? you know I would have... oh well it's never too late to add to our collections..
Thursday, June 3, 2010
quick thought.
First of all..
the last two days.. the husband and I, both sick. Not really a pleasant experience. Bonded.
But, my little memo is this:
can you IMAGINE if every-time you looked at someone on facebook it notified them? My life would be so different. and I am sorry.. I am trying to twitter, and I kind of vibe on it once in awhile, and I died when Jill Zarin began following me.. but, WHAT IS THE POINT, no one really wants to know what I am doing every second of the day-...
people only wanna know what celebrities are doing, and why would they want to tweet that?
Ultimately I could write a dissertation on facebook usage, the positives, the negatives.. the boundaries and dangers it could create.. on so many levels. But... I shall just leave it with the quick thought of the stalking brain!
but facebook better NEVER make the it an option to see who views your page, THATS THE WHOLE POINT, RIGHT?....
Oh and I will say this, when I was sick.. I read so many magazine articles and worthwhile publications because the computer light made me wanna jump ship.. imagine what we would do with our time without all these distractions.. common sense thought I suppose. but, why not BLOG IT. after-all, I treat this thing my own journal..
the last two days.. the husband and I, both sick. Not really a pleasant experience. Bonded.
But, my little memo is this:
can you IMAGINE if every-time you looked at someone on facebook it notified them? My life would be so different. and I am sorry.. I am trying to twitter, and I kind of vibe on it once in awhile, and I died when Jill Zarin began following me.. but, WHAT IS THE POINT, no one really wants to know what I am doing every second of the day-...
people only wanna know what celebrities are doing, and why would they want to tweet that?
Ultimately I could write a dissertation on facebook usage, the positives, the negatives.. the boundaries and dangers it could create.. on so many levels. But... I shall just leave it with the quick thought of the stalking brain!
but facebook better NEVER make the it an option to see who views your page, THATS THE WHOLE POINT, RIGHT?....
Oh and I will say this, when I was sick.. I read so many magazine articles and worthwhile publications because the computer light made me wanna jump ship.. imagine what we would do with our time without all these distractions.. common sense thought I suppose. but, why not BLOG IT. after-all, I treat this thing my own journal..
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Paula Deen would approve, right?
SO SO SO MANY CHOICES! SO SO SO MUCH FUN!!! Now that was a dream come true!
SO SO SO MANY CHOICES! SO SO SO MUCH FUN!!! Now that was a dream come true!
Always Learning
I have found that I miss being in a CLASSROOM.. yet my Mommy was right.. take your time in school, because it is the best time of ones life! Nothing is like learning and being surrounded by academia..
so here is my new obsession:
so here is my new obsession:
there is just SO much to learn about the dang computer,... AND, why not go sit and learn something for free?
You can find me at the apple stores around LA now, 3rd street, Beverly Center, The Grove, etc.. maybe I will even venture to the valley for a few little lessons- WHO KNOWS WHAT IS IN STORE!
Keep learning.. and inspiring DREAMS!
Not me.
TODAY is June 1st, and today I make a vow to take June Gloom and turn it upside down!
New Month, New Gal!
I may no longer be employed..
but that means I create my own schedule. On the mind, gym, walks, hikes, museums, LA adventures, trying new meals from new cook books, libraries, friends, volunteering, arts and crafts, reading, all fun and new things!!
setting new goals!
TODAY is June 1st, and today I make a vow to take June Gloom and turn it upside down!
New Month, New Gal!
I may no longer be employed..
but that means I create my own schedule. On the mind, gym, walks, hikes, museums, LA adventures, trying new meals from new cook books, libraries, friends, volunteering, arts and crafts, reading, all fun and new things!!
setting new goals!
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